Great news for all you Justin and Brittany fans out there...the other half of this dynamic duo now has the login information for the blog and will be contributing once in awhile! Yes, it's me, Justin, and I'd like to warn you that I've never blogged before in my life, so I apologize in advance for my lack of "blog knowledge."
It's been awhile since Brittany and I posted, because she has been a little world traveler while I have been working my tail off, trying to save up some money to pay for this whole thing. While Brittany has been enjoying a little well-deserved R&R, I've been working 30 hours a week with Irvine, coaching two club soccer teams, and doing about 5 hours of private trainings a week. It's great to be busy, but at the same time, I know the work will slow down once I start student teaching next month.
While Brittany and I have been apart, it has showed me EVEN MORE how important she is to me, and how much I love her. All I could think about when she was gone was her. "What was she doing? What was she eating? Is she having a great time? I can't wait to hear about her day," I'd think to myself. She's back now, but I won't see her again until Friday. Just over 2 days from now....
I'd like to take a moment to ask for your prayers in regards to our financial situation. Brittany and I love praying together. It calms our nerves and our emotions to manageable levels and also helps us put everything in perspective. Lately the focal point of our prayers have been first and foremost, thank God for our health and everything He has blessed us with. Secondly, we ask Him to take care of us financially. We need to put all of our faith and trust in God, in that He will take care of us while Brittany looks for a job. Money is stressing us out a lot lately, especially with a wedding looming only 339 days away. Please pray that God will take care of our financial NEEDS. If any of you out there ever would like someone to pray for you or a family member, please email me:
Thanks for reading, and I'll post to you soon!