
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sadie's Newborn Pictures

We were lucky enough to have Sadie's newborn pictures taken twice despite her stay in the NICU.  The first round was actually a service at the hospital right before discharge.  They turned out pretty good for hospital photos!
the nurses styled her hair :)


My favorite face
Then when we arrived home, our friend Jessi from Tiny Moments Photography, came to our house and took our picture.  She is amazing and I only wish I hadn't gone in to labor the day we were supposed to take our maternity pictures with her.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Due Date

This past Friday, October 18th, was Sadie's due date.  It was so surreal spending the day with her since we have been envisioning this time since last February.  I wondered if she would share a birthday with my mom or if she would come on our dating anniversary.  I thought we might have a brand new baby just in time for Halloween.  We hoped that she might come right on her due date so that I could work that whole week (so hilarious since I have worked exactly zero school days this whole year!)  We obviously never expected a September baby, but we have loved this bonus time with our sweet girl.  

Sadie spent Friday night with her grandma and grandpa so we could go on a date!

Celebrating grandma's birthday

Family tummy time

First time to the beach!

First trip to the pumpkin patch!

Pooped after her first baby shower

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sadie's First Month

Weight: 6 lbs. 4 oz. She isn't quite on the growth chart yet :)

Height: 17 1/4 in. No growth chart for height yet either!

Nicknames: Sadie babe, Sadie Baby, Sade, Peanut, Pooper, Stinker, Sweet Girl

Eating: Sadie has done great with eating since being released from the hospital. I was worried since this was her only issue in the NICU. She breastfeeds all day and takes one bottle at morning and at night so she can take her vitamins. She usually eats every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3-4 at night. When she is hungry, she definitely lets you know!

Sleeping: So far, Sadie has been a great sleeper. She sleeps most of the day and she sleeps pretty much anywhere. We aren't allowed to let her go more than four hours without eating, but she has been having a few four hour stretches at night lately. She isn't a huge fan of swaddling, she really likes to have her arms out.

Diapers: She is wearing newborn diapers now, mainly because we ran out of preemie. We also ran out of Pampers and are now using Huggies, which we can't stand.

Social: Sadie has been able to meet so many people in her first month of life despite being in the NICU for over two weeks. She has met two sets of grandparents, two sets of great grandparents, uncles, aunts, family friends and baby friends :)

Likes: She loves breastfeeding. She also likes her bouncer and swing. She loves to sleep on Mommy and Daddy's chest. She also likes to suck on her fingers. Mostly she likes to eat and sleep :)

Dislikes: She DOES NOT like waiting for food. When she is ready to eat, she makes it loud and clear. She doesn't love to have her diaper changed, especially when she is ready to eat. We are undecided on the bath, but I have a feeling it might end up in this category.

Mommy: Loving being a mom! From the moment she was born, I have felt like a new person. Pregnancy was rough on me and so was labor. I almost instantly felt like a million bucks from the moment I delivered her. The first couple of weeks were rough emotionally, since obviously having your baby in the hospital is something I would never wish on anyone. I am very thankful that my milk supply has been abundant, although at moments a little too abundant. I am now taking lecithin daily to help with my clogged ducts (those are brutal!). I definitely have my appetite back and am hungry all the time.

Daddy: We loved having Daddy at home last week. He is such a great dad already! He gets up for every feeding, changes a ton of diapers and just loves like crazy on Sadie. He is so patient with her even when she is screaming :)
Daddy does have some difficulties with dressing...
Furbabies: Dunphy was not so sure about Sadie, but is slowly warming up to all of us. Chesney has been in love since the beginning. She is SO protective over her. She is always the first one on the scene when she starts fussing.

What we're looking forward to: More time at home! We just love being home and it is the best time of year! Hopefully mommy can find some time to decorate for Fall!

She was very disappointed in everyone's predictions :)
Month one celebration

First trip to the doctors

Helping mommy pump

her hair is so poofy now it makes her look like she has a major cone head :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Three Weeks Old

Passed the carseat test with flying colors!

After days of hearing my least favorite word, “tomorrow.”  Tomorrow finally became today on Friday September 20th (the day Daddy predicted!)!!! We were finally able to take our sweet baby girl home.  Sadie’s first boyfriend Gavin from the NICU was also able to go home the same day, so it was one awesome day. 
Going home!!!!
We could not be happier to sleep in our own beds, play with our furbabies and love on our precious angel any time we want.  Sadie has had lots of visitors and I think she loves her new home (and her fun outfits!).  We have been able to focus a lot on breastfeeding and it is going really well.  

Visiting with Uncle Kyle

We were really relieved that she had gained weight when the home nurse came today.  She was 5lbs. 12 ounces when we left the hospital and today she was about 6lbs. 5 ounces.  She is still wearing preemie diapers, but occasionally we put her in newborn.  She is definitely still in preemie clothes, which are just adorable.  She also had her newborn photos taken today, so fun! 

First bath at home

Her first Monday at home...she is not a fan!

Visiting with her Great Grandparents and Great Aunt Amy

First walk!

Hanging out in her swing :)

Husband's soccer team still hosted a shower for us, although we missed it.  They made adorable bibs and bought us a Pack n Play!


Tummy Time

Look at those wrinkly elbows!