
Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

It is so crazy to think that one year ago, we were decorating Easter eggs to reveal to our extended family that Baby Shives was on the way.  Now this year, "Baby Shives" is our sweet and wild Sadie babe.  We had so much fun celebrating Easter for the first time with her.

On Good Friday, daddy had the day off so we went and visited the Easter Bunny.  Sadie hadn't slept in over four hours, so I was sure we were headed for a meltdown.  However, as usual, Sadie proved me wrong.  She LOVED the Easter Bunny.  She kept looking up at him and smiling.  We would have bought those pictures too, but we ran out of kidneys :)  Seriously though, such a rip-off!

On Saturday we went to church.  Sadie was NOT feeling the nursery (thank you stranger anxiety) and after screaming for fifteen minutes, they called us to pick her up.  Definitely not our favorite part of the weekend :(

Then we went over to my parent's house to help them get ready for Easter.  Sadie loved hanging out with her Uncle Kyle! We decided to skip coloring Easter eggs since someone needed to go to bed....(that makes it two years in a row for me! last year I was plagued by first trimester exhaustion!).

Then on Sunday, we headed over to my parent's to see if the Easter bunny came, and he did! Sadie was falling asleep opening up her basket, but she was still really into it.  It's crazy to think that next year, she will be hunting for eggs!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Seven Months

Guess how old I am?

7 months!

Weight: Sadie doesn't have another check-up until 9 months! But according to our home scale, she is right about 15 lbs! That is 3x her birth weight! Slow down my little chunk butt :)

Height: She is still about 24 inches long (she has officially outgrown her hospital measuring tape).  Her head circumference is still huge! My little smart cookie ;)

Nicknames: Puppet, Fuss Bucket, Chunk Butt (anything having to do with chunkiness or chubbiness)....Sadie babe, Sadie Baby, Sade, Peanut, Pooper, Stinker, Sweet Girl, Terk, Roczen, Pistachio, Sadie Bear, "Savie", Stink Butt (I noticed she has quite a few nicknames about stinking up the place....I will be sure to remind her of this when she brings home her first boyfriend, kidding!)

Eating: Well we officially tried solids AND we officially confirmed that Sadie is her mother's daughter.  Sadie could be the poster child for picky eaters anonymous. We tried avocado first, and it was a no-go.  So we tried sweet potatoes....also not interested.  We got creative, we tried at different times of the day, we failed every single time.  So we decided to take a break.  A few days ago I tried to give her some banana (banana people!) and she wasn't having it.  So maybe in another week we will give it another go.  I will say making the food is getting much easier and pretty fun.  The first day was a disaster with trying to peel steamed pears and clean up leaking sweet potatoes....but I am slowly improving, so Sadie better catch up! So clearly she is still breastfeeding around the clock.  Every 2-3 hours during the day and at night too now (more on that later).  She still only eats for about 3 minutes before she loses interest, unless it is the middle of the night and that girl goes to town.  How do I break this habit?!! thank you!

second try...

not this again!


our desperate attempt!
Sleeping: Well if I thought her sleeping was bad last month, we were only pre-gaming.....this girl must have given up sleep for lent. She is waking up every 2-3 hours every night to eat.  Sometimes less than two hours! She does eat and go right back to sleep, but still it is not working for mommy.  And she used to sleep until 8/9am, now it is a stretch to get her to 8am.  Darn! Funny story though, she is quite the napper now.  She usually takes at least one, sometimes two naps during the day that are about two hours each.  And yes you caught me....they are usually in the swing, stroller or carseat.  Fire me why don't you?!
passed out after a walk...she woke up 5 minutes later :)

still rocking her rock n'play!

Diapers/Clothes: She is still in size 2.  She wears mainly 3 month clothing and we are definitely having to mix in 3-6 month stuff now too.  

Social: Sadie is just too much fun right now.  She definitely has her moody moments, but for the most part she is such a smiley and chatty little girl.  She makes us laugh all the time and we think she is the coolest thing since sliced bread.  She is starting to warm up a little bit to strangers, but still prefers mommy.  She sits up like a champ now and even sat in the highchair and grocery cart like a big girl! She is trying so hard to crawl, but for now just scoots....backwards.  She gets very frustrated! 

future panther

gorilla baby!

beach babe

baby friends, they are only two weeks apart!

first trip to the zoo!

Chuck E. Cheese's!

Sadie's first bridal shower

Old Town cruising

park day with friends

trying to crawl!

laughing at our bowling skills

Uncle Farand visits!

Likes: bath time (especially splashing!), tummy time, being silly (fake coughing), Sophie, her butterfly, watching the animals play, TV (addict!), her daddy being silly, standing up, sitting up, her jumparoo, her hands (or yours), my hair (unfortunately) and being outside.  All the same this month, but she also LOVES her stroller and going on walks.  
Dislikes: getting out of the bath, riding in the backseat by herself, and pooping apparently....all these are the same this month! Plus now she also hates getting her diaper changed or getting dressed.  She also doesn't like to be bored.

Mommy: I had my surgery on Friday (which explains the delayed post) and it went well.  The doctor said she was able to get most of the wall, and there should be much more room in there for the next baby.  The first night was really rough and the weekend was uncomfortable because I had a catheter in my uterus (fun times!).  I'm feeling almost 100% now minus the hormones I have to take :(

Daddy: OMG is this girl a daddy's girl or what?!  She LOVES her daddy! She pretty much thinks he is the funniest person on the planet.  It is rare to find them both not laughing when they are playing together.  Daddy's favorite trick is to push Sadie around in the stroller....she naps and he reads.  It's quite the gig :)


eating at our favorite restaurant from college

working for the money

ready to drive
Furbabies: Sadie still loves the pets and they mostly tolerate her.  Chesney loves to give her lots of kisses and hang out during tummy time.  Dunphy, on the other hand, pays no attention to her still.  Although, he still enjoys all of her things.

What we are looking forward to:  Another wedding, a special surprise, Sadie's first Easter, maybe meeting the Easter bunny....
selfie at the zoo
first garage sale!

kiss me I'm Irish!

drool for days

bundled up baby

opening day!

the park and her hand....two of her favorite things

Dunphy modeling our new books from Salvation Army...only .38 each!

bath time snack

post bath time snack

in deep thought at the park

future dg!