
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

30 Before 30

Well, I am officially 28!  I think it is time to start the countdown to the BIG 3-0.  I wish I would have started this list sooner, because with a new baby and a tight budget, I don't know how much I am going to be able to accomplish in the next two years.  I am going to sure try though!

30 Before 30 List
1.   Go on an airplane
2.   Read all books on our 30 before 30 list
3.   Run a 5k
4.   Take a cooking class
5.   Learn a new hobby
6.   Eat something from our garden
7.   Pay off student loan debt
8.   Buy a car
9.   Plant a tree
10.                Donate blood
11.                Host Thanksgiving
12.                Go to a concert
13.                Complete a 30-day challenge
14.                Order a produce box
15.                Go on a roadtrip
16.                Go to Washington D.C.
17.                Have breakfast on the beach
18.                 Plan a 30th birthday bash
19.                Go camping
20.                Go to Disneyland
21.                Visit an out of town stadium
22.                Carry out 30 random acts of kindness
23.                Play a round of golf together
24.                Write a children’s book
25.                Go to the Grand Canyon
26.                Go out on a boat
27.                Go to a drive-in movie theater
28.                Join or start a book club
29.                Watch a classic movie that we haven’t seen before
30.                Make a list of 40 things to do before 40 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

9 Months

taking these pictures is near impossible now...

Weight: Sadie finally had another doctor's appointment! I can't believe it has been 3 months since the last one.  She weighed in just shy of 16lbs.  Last month, according to our home scale she was over 17lbs.  Soooo either we were way off or she has lost some weight because she is moving all.the.time!  The doctor was very impressed with her growth, and isn't worried at all. 

Height: Sadie was not a fan of the doctor's office.  She sounded like she was being tortured if anyone tried to touch her.  The nurse did a pretty quick measurement and said she was still about 25 inches.  I know she has grown a lot lately so I tried again at home and according to my measurement she is at least 26 inches.  

Nicknames: Lately it has been a lot of stinker and monkey (she is a climbing machine!)  Pumpkin (pronounced punkin of course), Punkin Chunkin, Pumpkin ButtPuppet, Fuss Bucket, Chunk Butt (anything having to do with chunkiness or chubbiness)Sadie babe, Sadie Baby, Sade, Peanut, Pooper, Stinker, Sweet Girl, Terk, Roczen, Pistachio, Sadie Bear, "Savie", Stink Butt (I noticed she has quite a few nicknames about stinking up the place....I will be sure to remind her of this when she brings home her first boyfriend, kidding!)
the day we learned food will not pass through a pacifier 

double fistin'



Eating: Sadie is a pretty good eater.  She is a huge fan of doing it herself, so the purees are not really her thing.  
So far she has had (this month in italics): avocado, sweet potato, green beans, squash, pears, carrots, cucumber, apple, bananas, nectarines, watermelon, blueberries, oatmeal, celery, peas, bell pepper, and broccoli.  We officially made the jump to nursing every 3 hours during the day in hopes to get her to stop snacking.  There has been some improvement, but I still feel like I am nursing a wild beast a lot of times. The doctor just gave us the go ahead to give her everything but cow's milk and honey.  So hopefully Sadie will have a lot more foods added to her list next month.

Sleeping: She doesn't. None of us do.  The end.  Seriously though her sleeping is all over the place.  On a perfect day she will take 3 naps, ranging from 40 minutes to almost 2 hours and sleep from about 8:30pm-3am and then wake every 2-3 hours until she gets up for the day at around 8am.  On a bad day she will take maybe two or three 30 minute naps, and sleep from 8:30pm-1am and up every hour/2 hours/3 hours.  So far we have not noticed any actual correlation between good nap days and good nighttime sleeping.  Meaning we have still not cracked the code.  It seems like our only option is to put her in her room and cry it out and I just can't.  I mean I've been desperate, but apparently not that desperate.  This month she also had her first serious cold so we had to make some sleep adjustments for about two weeks.  We shall see what the next month brings.

Diapers/Clothes: We are still in size 3.  She has pretty much outgrown all 0-3 month minus a few outfits.  She is mainly in 3-6 month and 6 month.  Although a lot of her pjs are still 3 is a little tight :)  

Social: Well if I thought Sadie was exhausting last month, I did not know what I was in for.  This girl is constantly moving now.  Crawling and getting into food, keys, cell phones and electrical outlets are some of her favorites.  She loves to pull herself up on everything and she loves to use you as a personal jungle gym.  Stranger anxiety is in full force so we are official cry room residents at church.  She is fine if she is distracted, but unfortunately only a few select people have mastered the art of Sadie distraction (daddy and grandma).  She will smile at strangers all day, and if you try and hold her she is fine if I am right there.  Extra points if you have anything shiny on, negative points if she is tired or hungry though.  

Likes: being outside, her daddy, her animals, her jumparoo, her swing, her stroller, laughing, sitting standing in her big girl bath, putting anything and everything in her mouth, drinking from a big girl cup, jumping on your lap, climbing on you like a jungle gym, standing up (all.the.time), feeding herself, peek-a-boo, going in the pool, music, DADDY, watching the animals play, going to Child's Play, giving kisses, dog food.

Dislikes: being bored, getting her face wiped, putting on sunscreen, going in the nursery at church, being told "no", getting something taken away, changing her diaper (well really I dislike this since I feel like I might be wrangling a bull).

my first Mother's Day

Mommy: This past month has been a little crazy around here.  Justin and I both have been tutoring a ton since it is finals season.  We also hosted a church small group and I moved out of my classroom officially.  Our house is a complete disaster....Do mom's ever feel caught up on life? Ever???

Daddy: Sadie loves her daddy so much and we can't wait to celebrate him on his very first Father's Day!

Furbabies: Chesney is a little freaked out by Sadie now that she is moving.  She still gives her tons of kisses especially when Sadie bonks her head for the millionth time each day. Dunphy spends a lot of his time running for his life now that Sadie is mobile.  And the rest of the time he spends riding around in Sadie's stroller :)

What we are looking forward to:  Summer vacation! Celebrating our daddy's first Father's Day and most importantly dedicating Sadie to God.
baby kisses

baby jail 
an escapee

yummy ants

always sucking on her bottom lip

those darn paparazzi

eating her sticker

9 months is yummy!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Birthday Celebrations

As I was writing Sadie's 9 month post I realized I never posted about our birthday celebrations....or my first Mother's Day oops!  Soooo one month ago I turned 28 and my sweet girl turned 8 months old.  

We had THE best weekend celebrating.  On Saturday, our actual birthdays (or month day...) we played at the pool with our handsome cabana boy.  Then we went out to eat with my family.  My wonderful mom also agreed to sit at our house while Sadie slept so we could go line dancing with friends.  In true Sadie fashion, she woke up screaming and cut our night out short.  This girl just hates to miss a party. 

pool time

Birthday Dinner

3 generations of awesomeness 
On Sunday, we continued the celebrations in the OC.  We had brunch with my in-laws at our very favorite place from college.  Then we took Sadie to her very first Angel game.  We ended the night with a yummy dinner at the Melting Pot.

hanging with great-grandpa
silly faces with grams
Angel game

she loved it!

these two <3

it was a rough game

we made it to the 7th inning stretch!

our brick

daddy's girl

trying to entertain this little one at the melting pot