
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Four Year Anniversary


Yesterday we celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary! It is so crazy how time flies, especially now with a little one around.  We had to extend the celebration to two days while our babysitter (aka grandma) was in town.  We went out for a yummy dinner without our little pumpkin and it was wonderful.  Although I noticed the longer we go between date nights, the longer the car ride is home. I just can't wait to get to that sweet thing!
sleep deprivation looks good on you hubby!
On our actual anniversary, we took Sadie to the lawn we were married on.  We had a picnic and took some pictures.  It was a perfect day!
She loved it as much as we still do!
For those of you who follow traditional gifts, year four is fruit or flowers.  Kind of tough for a man! As I noted earlier, date nights have been tough to plan with our new family member :) I have had a lot of success with long-term menu planning so, I decided to plan out dates for the entire next year (what was I thinking?!!).  It was a lot of work (especially for my sleep deprived brain), but it turned out really nice! I chose a different fruit for each month.  I tried to pick a seasonal fruit that correlated to each month.  Once I had my fruits, it was time to plan some dates.  I did four dates for each month, some of them were stay-at-home dates, some included Sadie and some were things we have never done before.  Annnnddd some were really creative! You try and think of four dates that involve cranberries :) We are both excited to have a year full of already planned dates!

All of the envelopes to open! 

Orange was the hubster's favorite 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ten Months

ten months!

Weight: No doctors until 12 months (tears), so according to our home scale she is about 16.4 lbs.  The doctor said it is normal for slow weight gain from here on out since she just finished the biggest growth spurt of her entire life...
guess who she is looking at?!

Height: 2'2 according to daddy (26 inches) 
she looks so big in this picture!

Nicknames: Lately it has been Baby Girl, Pumpkin and Sadie Joye when she is in trouble (which is all the time...).  

Eating: Sadie was hungry this month, probably because she is so active now.  She will eat anything you give her even purees now.  If a nectarine is within a 20 foot radius of Sadie, you better believe she is going to scream until it is hers.  So far she has had (this month in italics): avocado, sweet potato, green beans, squash, pears, carrots, cucumber, apple, bananas, nectarines, watermelon, blueberries, oatmealcelery, peas, bell pepper, broccoli, chicken, brown rice, plums, mango, .  We didn't add quite as many things as I thought we would this month.  Some days I just forget about the know since I am already making her food with my body!!!
her favorite

hungry baby


Sleeping: Well Sadie is officially sleeping in her crib.  After a few too many long nights, I was over it.  Our family bedroom had officially lost its luster and we knew it was time for the crib.  Overall, she has been sleeping pretty good in her crib.  Falling asleep was the hardest part.  The first few days we let her fuss/cry for about two minutes and then we went in to comfort her (without picking her up) and after a few days we waited five minutes.  Well usually like 4, but we both pretended it had been five because baby cries are just too sad.  Sadie usually sleeps until about 3am and then I feed her and then again about 6am and she sleeps for another 30 minutes-2 hours depending on her mood :)  And yes my child still only naps while mobile (swing, stroller, car ride...) That is just one habit I am avoiding breaking....Can't she take the swing to kindergarten????

Diapers/Clothes: We actually switched back to size 2 this month because we scored about three packages of diapers for free thanks to a few survey type things I signed up for.  We are now switching back and forth between 2 and 3.  We also switch up her clothes a lot.  She wears some 3-6 month, 6 month and mostly 9 month PJs.  

Social: Since we are all officially on summer vacation this past month was very busy! We went blueberry picking, played at the library and signed up for the summer reading program, took swimming lessons, and most importantly had Sadie dedicated to God.  My mom always made summer so fun for us and it has been really special to start creating summer memories with Sadie.  One really awesome memory we made was at the San Diego Fair this year.  We entered Sadie into the Baby Derby (basically a crawling competition).  We didn't know how she would do because she is always full of surprises.  She is not the fastest crawler and her stranger anxiety is pretty high, plus the race happened to fall right at nap time.  Well as usual, Sadie surprised us all.  She won her heat race and than beat out the final competitor to take home first place! We had so much fun and the fair really put on a great show.   Annnddd Sadie got her first trophy! Our family is so competitive that this was a huge deal, no pressure Sadie!

Likes: doing anything she shouldn't, playing in her new playroom, flirting with boys, the animals, standing up in the bath, eating, climbing on everything, being outside, her daddy, talking, exploring.
her new playroom

Dislikes: swimming lessons (she started coming around right before the dunking, and then it was all over), getting her face wiped, putting on sunscreen, going in the nursery at church, getting something taken away, getting dressed or diaper changes
first day of swimming lessons

Mommy: I am currently loving having extra hands to help with our wild child.  I am starting to finally feel a little caught up.  I finished converting our downstair's closet into a playroom and put away all my classroom stuff.  I also finished painting a few pieces of furniture since we sold most of our living room at our last garage sale :)
shaved ice and nectarines <3

blueberry picking

Daddy: In true fashion, we spent his entire first Father's Day at the soccer field.  We still had so much fun celebrating our daddy and his team won the tournament too, bonus!
hanging out in Old Town

yay Daddy!

cheering on Daddy's kickball game

Furbabies: Pretty much anytime Sadie is upset, we just say "Where's the puppy/kitty?" She loves them! Chesney is great with her, although a little possessive when it comes to her bone.  Sadie loves to pet Dunphy and he actually will let her for a few minutes.  We are still working on "gentle" because he has had a few clumps of fur ripped out....
I will just sleep on the floor I guess....

What we are looking forward to:  Vacation! Can't wait to get away for a little bit :)  Also, planning Sadie's first birthday......cue tears.
hanging at the Wild Animal Park

we have so many pictures with this rhino through the years!

play date!

library fun

hanging out with Uncle Kyle

Sadie was dedicated by the same pastor who married us four years ago!

ready for the race!

beach time

hanging at the zoo

first bow

somebunny loves you :)

pre-game warm-up

game face

swimming lessons