
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Eleven Months

almost 1!!

Weight: According to our home scale....17.2 lbs

Height: I'm thinking about 27 wiggle worm is pretty much impossible to measure :)

Nicknames: Mostly pumpkin and occasionally daddy enjoys calling her butthead....said with lots of love of course :)  
loves her yogurt

Eating: Sadie is pretty much eating three meals a day now.  She nurses every 3-4 hours during the day and it's an all-you-can-eat buffet at night :) So far she has had (this month in italics): avocado, sweet potato, green beans, squash, pears, carrots, cucumber, apple, bananas, nectarines, watermelon, blueberries, oatmealcelery, peas, bell pepper, broccoli, chicken, brown rice, plums, mango, greek yogurt, figs, apricots, plumcots, artichoke, and a small taste of my banana slurpee on 7-11.  
and her avocado
first time trying corn on the cob
Sleeping: This was a really rough month for Sadie.  She kicked it off with a really, really bad cold that led to her first two teeth! So sleeping was pretty much not happening for those two weeks. And then we went on vacation for two weeks....So pretty much a month of awful sleep :(  She did nap great on vacation.  She actually fell asleep anywhere and everywhere! She slept on the plane, on the train, in the ergo and lots of great naps in the stroller (in fact we enjoyed quite a few meals with a sleeping baby!).  So nights were rough, but days were sweet.  Now that we are home, Sadie has taken two naps in her crib! It's a miracle :)
too much vacation 
this girl loves her swing
Diapers/Clothes: Size 3 diapers.  Clothing is mostly 9 month, with some 6 month mixed in.  
always standing...

naughty face
Social: celebrated first fourth of July. went to an aquarium. went to another Angel game. had a play date with all of mommy's coworkers from college. rode on her first carousel. spent the night at Grams and Gramps. played at the park and visited with her great grandparents.  helped us host another garage sale. celebrated mommy and daddy's anniversary.  had a picnic.  visited Uncle Kyle. traveled to Arizona.  went to a baseball game inside.  played at a water park. flew on another airplane. went to Seattle. toured the home of the 2014 Super Bowl champions. traveled on a train. went on a ferry. met lots of new friends. started cruising all over the place.
first 4th of July

train ride
celebrating our anniversary
Likes: her daddy, visiting new places, meeting new people (as long as they just look at her), playing in the pool (or any form of water), talking, cruising around, crawling really fast to things she shouldn't, eating, banging on things, her grandma, BOYS.
carousel ride

bubble bath

watching the waves

she loves to flip herself around and grab all the groceries :)

getting into trouble on the porch
Dislikes: getting things taken away (especially if it is dangerous), getting her diaper changed, riding in the car when it's dark and no one is sitting with her, being put to sleep (ain't nobody got time for that), waiting for food.
being silly in Target

silly girl
Mommy: feeling mixed emotions about a new school year starting....this is the first time in over twenty years I won't be going "back to school"! Also feeling sad that my partner in crime is back to work :(  My mom and I are having too much fun planning Sadie's first birthday! I feel like it's our wedding all over again :)
touring the Seahawk's stadium

Daddy: Back to school :( 
we love our daddy!
Furbabies: We missed them so much on our vacations.  Is it weird we talked about them the whole time?? Or is it weird that we missed the dogs most at meal time when we had to actually clean up the floor?? Still working on "gentle" for poor Dunphy.  Chesney still loves giving kisses and is now so freaked out by Sadie charging with her walker. 

What we are looking forward to:  Ummm the birthday bash of the century! I feel like I am planning my wedding again :)
anniversary celebration

first fourth of July

fun at Tom's Farms

hanging with grandma

lunch with Uncle Kyle

anniversary dinner

wedding dates

aquarium visit

ducks/angels play date!

beach day

love these friends!

plane ride
look at those skinny legs!

family selfie

train ride

not too sure about the train

now she is a train pro

always moving!

so silly

high five!
