
Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Best Moment: We had another appointment with our specialist this week.  You were so adorable! You were moving your mouth so we thought you might be trying to talk to us, but it turns out you were just chewing on the umbilical cord...maybe your teething in utero?!! That would be awesome :)

Baby News: You are weighing in at a little over two pounds (65th percentile)! Your eyes have completely formed and soon you will start blinking with those cute little eyelashes.  You can respond to light, noise and even move to the music (hopefully you like to dance as much as your sister)! 

Symptoms: We drove to Arizona last weekend and ten plus hours in the car is just not good for a pregnant lady's back.  Heartburn of course and maybe some irritability...

Weight: I gained a little less than two more pounds in the last two weeks!

Movement: Definitely!  It is fun to watch it from the outside too, but still no clear body parts just little twitches almost.

Sleep: Sleeping is average.  I don't think I will ever enjoy sleeping on my sides.  I have started dreaming about my shoulders aching and then wake up to actual aching shoulders.  Plus heartburn, peeing, insomnia...thank goodness for my naps with Sadie.  Although I know I will have to wean her off that soon :(

Cravings/aversions/eating: I feel like my appetite is still semi-normal.  No real cravings or aversions, but I still enjoy dessert.

Workouts: Walks to the park and chasing a toddler around including up and down the stairs all day long...

Clothes: Still a mixture of regular and maternity.  My selection of normal shirts that fit are getting smaller though.

Other News: Sadie's big girl room is starting to come together.  I still feel we have like one million things to do and I feel like the clock is really ticking! We are ordering invitations for the Baby-Q we will be having to celebrate this sweet girl.