
Monday, April 11, 2016

I've Been Nominated!

You guys, I have been neglecting this poor blog for so long.  Ever since I started writing for Hand to Hold, every free chance I get to write has gone to that (and really what is free time?!).  I really miss writing for fun and I have about a million posts that are sitting in my drafts waiting to be finished.  Luckily a fabulous mommy blogger, Jenny at Princess Turned Mom, was nice enough to nominate me for the Liebster Award. I have loved reading her funny stories and you will not be disappointed when you check her out!!!

In case you don't know the Liebster Award is to help bloggers interact in the blogging community.  You can find fun new blogs to follow and help grow this community.   Each nominee is given 11 questions to answer.  After that, each nominee will come up with 11 new questions for 5-11 bloggers of their choice.  Here are the questions Jenny asked me:

  1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a princess for a long time.....but the details seemed tricky so I decided to look for something else.  Luckily, I loved my first grade teacher and decided I wanted to be a teacher too! I think my parents let out a huge sigh of relief after that :)

  1. What made you start blogging?
I actually originally started this blog almost seven years ago to chronicle the year leading up to our wedding.  Then I picked it back up again to write about newlywed life and later on my pregnancy/motherhood. I have always loved writing and I love the idea of having this site to share with my kiddos someday.  Plus interacting with other people doing motherhood is good for the soul.  

  1. How many kiddos do you have? Ages?
I have two girls! Sadie is a feisty 2.5 year old and Ellasyn is my wild child who will celebrate her first birthday tomorrow!

  1. When the kids go to bed, what is the first thing you like to do?
Usually it's pick out a dessert to share with my hubby on the couch.  However, we are currently trying to break our sugar addiction and we are 13 days into the Whole 30.  I really miss frozen yogurt!!!

  1. Where is your favorite place to go as a family?
The beach! It is truly my happy place and love that my kiddos love it too.  It can be a lot of work packing everything that two toddlers need for the day, but I think it pays off with the beach hangover (aka super long nap times following a day at the beach). 

  1. Have you started any cool traditions? or passed on traditions from when you were a kid?
I love making lists! Every season my mom and I make bucket lists....101 things to do this summer, 25 things to do this fall etc.  It is so fun to make the lists and then of course to make memories checking things off.  I can't wait until the girls are old enough to help make the lists.  I just love holidays and I love celebrating little things, so hopefully as the girls get older we can really get some fun traditions going!

  1. Favorite show or movie you could watch over and over?
Movie is for sure Father of the Bride 1 and 2.  I even watched it while I was in labor with my oldest daughter! There are a lot of shows I could watch over and over again like Friends, King of Queens, Modern Family, 24 and pretty much any show on HGTV. 

  1. If you had to pick, would you hire a house cleaning service, a yard maintenance crew, a chef or a personal trainer?
Oh this is a tough one! I am not an expert on house could seriously use a cleaning any day of the week.  Sometimes cooking with two kiddos in tow is a huge challenge and I would love to have someone motivating me and encouraging me to take care of myself.  However, I think I would choose the yard maintenance.  The hubby and I are horrible at this and we now have a front and backyard that could really use some love! 

  1. What is your favorite blog that you have written? Why?
Probably A Letter to Myself One Year Ago.... The journey from getting pregnant, to being pregnant, to raising a child was crazy and it was really therapeutic to write about all my thoughts and emotions.  

  1. Salty or Sweet?
Definitely sweet! I actually usually don't add any salt to my food and I usually rub off any excess on chips and things.  

  1. What is one thing you hope your children will learn before they go off into the world?
Oh that is so tough! I guess to be kind.  You never know who is fighting a tough battle and barely hanging on.  I feel like being nice and having manners is so important!

I am tagging:

DIY and Dinosaurs

The Blushing Mama

Here are your questions:

1.What do you consider your greatest achievement?
2. What goals are you currently working on?
3. What is your favorite part about blogging?
4. If someone wanted to read just one of your posts, which one would you pick for them to read?
5. What is your go-to on a bad day?
6. What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
7. Do you prefer to eat out or cook? What is your favorite food to eat?
8.  Who inspires you?
9. What is your guilty pleasure?
10.  What is one quality that you hope to pass down to your kids?
11. Beach or mountains?