
Sunday, July 19, 2009


This weekend we really had to put this saying in to practice. We had a wonderful weekend that was unfortunately tainted by a small "inconvenience". My mom and my aunt have always reminded me that most things that happen in life are just inconveniences and should be dealt with accordingly. Justin and I have been so blessed with healthy families that we love very much and that is all that matters. So we can thank God for that and just enjoy all He has given to us. To start off our weekend Justin and I were able to celebrate our -1 anniversary, as our wonderful friend Erin named it. We were able to make our first purchase with our first gift card! Justin was nice enough to let me get the cupcake holder I have always wanted :) Then we enjoyed a nice dinner at Joe's Crab Shack, yummy!

Happy 7-17!
Saturday was Justin's mom's surprise birthday party. We had so much fun celebrating with the birthday girl and all her guests. Happy birthday Julie!
Justin and Me with my Future In-Laws
On Sunday I dragged my mom to my first bridal bazaar :) We had a blast walking around, talking to vendors and trying wedding cake. It was exhausting so of course we had to treat ourselves to a nice meal on the San Diego Harbor. I had such a wonderful day with my mom!

My mom insisted on taking this picture

At our beautiful lunch
Now that we tackled this bridal bazaar, we are ready to go full force in to this planning so stay tuned. We hope you had a great weekend and you remembered to focus on what is most important in life!

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