
Monday, May 24, 2010

A Special Thank You...

....goes out to everyone who made Brittany's bridal shower yesterday a huge success! This was part one of her bridal shower blitz, built for friends (although some family made it out...). I'm sure Brittany will blog all about it next time, but the groom would like to send a few special shout-out thank yous to the following people:
1) Heather for organizing, planning, and fronting all the dough for this awesome shower. Sure it may be in the job description of the maid of honor and bridesmaids to plan this thing, but you did a terrific job!
2) Britt's family for hosting it and opening up their home to a massive celebration. Also for Jeff taking me golfing for probably one of the weirdest sides of golf ever. A seven-some, are you kidding me right now???!!!
3) Aunt Jamie and Kathleen for making the trek ACROSS THE COUNTRY to be here. It was so special to have you here for this, not to mention all the help you gave!
4) All of Brittany's friends for making the hour-plus drive from either San Diego, Orange County, or LA to spend a few good hours in support of the bride.
5) Everyone for their gifts! Not gonna pick any favorites so-as not to hurt any feelings, but my favorite is almost not even fair; again Brittany will have to fill you in later with her awesome blogness.

Thanks again, and God Bless!

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