
Wednesday, November 28, 2012


If you were a fly on the wall in my classroom today, that post title would take on a whole different meaning.  If you never have to teach ten year olds science, I promise you aren't missing anything.  You might blush if I posted some of the questions my oh-so curious students came up with today.

In other news, I am really pooped.  Isn't vacation supposed to be relaxing?! Here is the good, the bad and the ugly of our five glorious days off:

The good:
-We spent some awesome time with family!
-We ate yummy food! Including sushi :)
-My mom and I tore up black Friday

-Husband and I added this to the family
Dyson Vacuum Cleaners
-We finallllllly put my hobby lobby purchase to good use (and yay for not making any new holes in the wall!)

-We listened to Christmas music
-Husband and I went on a date
-We took the puppy on her first hike
-We caught up on our shows and watched the parade (the hubby forced that one on me)
-We went to the farmer's market and I got what I always go there to get....shaved ice duh

The bad:
-We tried to leave the puppy outside and she tore up our new grass (sorry dad!)
-I had to get my blood drawn (and my doctor scared me to death....)
-I still haven't finished my fall bucket list
-I didn't get to decorate for Christmas

The ugly:
-Someone stole our debit card number and tried to buy all these things on the internet. Rude!

As you can see, the good outweigh the bad/ugly, so who could complain?! Well actually I think I just did.  Anyways, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2012


This week I am thankful for...

1. An awesome family.  It is big, crazy, sometimes annoying, but I am so blessed to have the family I have.

2. Monday feeling like Thursday :)

3. My job.  Those kiddos drive me crazy most of the time, but they keep a smile on my face 99% of the time.  **side note** today a few of my students were debating whether there were cars in the old do you feel?!!

4. Having five whole days off!!! I can't wait!

5. Hobby lobby. 

6. Music.  There is nothing better than rocking out to your favorite song.

7. Our house.  We totally "stumbled" on this place (thank you Jesus!) but it is so perfect for us.  I love getting to make it our own and I can't wait to decorate it for Christmas in just four days!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


This week I am thankful for....

1. cozy pajamas

2. grass in our backyard!

3. a short week

4. being able to grocery shop yesterday morning instead of during the weekend rush

5.  an even shorter week to look forward to next week

6. a husband who has been home the last two nights to help me make dinner

7. a dvr to save all my favorite shows so that I can watch them five different times (I tend to fall asleep quite frequently)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Blogging in Bed...

Don't judge, the husband said it is 58 degrees in our house.  Brrr! If you haven't tried blogging in bed, you really should.  First off, thank you veterans for giving this tired teacher a much needed day off. And most importantly thank you for selflessly protecting our country every single day!

This weekend we finally "finished" our first big home project, "Operation Baby Backyard."  We have such an itty bitty backyard that was even more itty bitty (and messy) when it was full of wood chips.  So back in, I don't know 2007?!, we decided to put in grass.  Fast forward a decade and we finally did it!

Saturday morning bright and early we picked up the sod.  Yay!

Whoever built our house did not think a few things through and there is no way to get in to our backyard without crossing the air conditioning unit.  So we created this lovely pathway to carry each and every piece of sod to our backyard.  

It was a very muddy job! We recruited my little brother to help! Isn't he cute?!

The first piece is in!

Making progress!

All "done"! I say "done" because is anything really ever done?! No! We still have to clean off the patio and put everything back in its place.  We apparently need "garden edgers" to shape the grass.  We are going to work on the planters the boys created.  Maybe next weekend.....

We celebrated with homemade butterfinger blizzards.  Yum!

On Sunday, my whole family participated in the Save a Life walk in Balboa Park.  It was a beautiful day and we even took the puppies! I am not sure why I only have pictures of them, but that's the way it goes I guess.

They still had so much energy, even after the two mile walk.

They did finally pass out on the way home.  So cute!

I hope you enjoyed your three day weekend! 

Monday, November 5, 2012


This week I am thankful for....

1. My pets who make me smile every single day 

2. My husband who puts up with me 

3. My mom who came over and cooked dinner for us last night (and cleaned!)

4.  My dad who has given up countless hours to help us make a backyard

5. My country and my right to vote for my beliefs

6. Pumpkin cream cheese

7. My God who gives me endless grace

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Life Lately....

It's the weekend!! And as promised, a little recap of the last couple of weeks:

We are huge Brad Paisley fans, and a few weeks ago, he was finishing up his latest tour in so cal.  We have been to at least 7 Brad Paisley concerts, but we have almost always been in the "cheap seats" aka the lawn seats.  This time we scored some suh-weet tickets from another teacher from our school.  We seriously had no idea how great the seats were until the fourth security guard told us to keep going lower.  We ended up being right on the floor just three rows back from the stage! It was the best night ever.  And as usual, Mr. Paisley did not disappoint.

Most of our recent weekends have been far less glamourous, spent working on our backyard.  The progress is soooo slow I can barely stand it.  Homeowner Life Lesson #362: Every DIY project will take twice as long as you think and cost triple what you budgeted for.  God bless my husband and father who have not given up on the task.  They tell me we will be ready for grass next weekend....keep your fingers crossed!

Puppy helped dig

Dunphy was the project manager

A few weeks ago, I decided to quit football.  This isn't the first time, so think of it more as a much needed break for my heart.  Anyways, it has freed up some of my time quite nicely.  Last weekend was so beautiful, so we headed to the coast.

Now that Labor Day has passed, puppies are allowed!

We also had a garage sale where we made about five bucks, but more importantly found my childhood tutu.  The animals took to it quite nicely.

And finally, we said goodbye to Chesney's first bed.  She chewed it up a few weeks ago and I stapled it back together, but unfortunately it was totaled during one long afternoon this week.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy November!

Wait, it's November?! 2012 you need to slow yourself down.  Seriously, life has been crazy lately.  Really, when is it not? Anyways this weekend marks the one time of year where we finally get what we always wish extra hour added to the day :)  So I vow with that extra hour, I will get caught up on life.  Until then enjoy these pictures from Halloween:

Dunphy Kitty

Chesney's first Halloween!

Our pumpkins! Is it obvious we are teachers?! I think kids were avoiding our house like the plague thinking we might be passing out books or something :)