
Monday, November 12, 2012

Blogging in Bed...

Don't judge, the husband said it is 58 degrees in our house.  Brrr! If you haven't tried blogging in bed, you really should.  First off, thank you veterans for giving this tired teacher a much needed day off. And most importantly thank you for selflessly protecting our country every single day!

This weekend we finally "finished" our first big home project, "Operation Baby Backyard."  We have such an itty bitty backyard that was even more itty bitty (and messy) when it was full of wood chips.  So back in, I don't know 2007?!, we decided to put in grass.  Fast forward a decade and we finally did it!

Saturday morning bright and early we picked up the sod.  Yay!

Whoever built our house did not think a few things through and there is no way to get in to our backyard without crossing the air conditioning unit.  So we created this lovely pathway to carry each and every piece of sod to our backyard.  

It was a very muddy job! We recruited my little brother to help! Isn't he cute?!

The first piece is in!

Making progress!

All "done"! I say "done" because is anything really ever done?! No! We still have to clean off the patio and put everything back in its place.  We apparently need "garden edgers" to shape the grass.  We are going to work on the planters the boys created.  Maybe next weekend.....

We celebrated with homemade butterfinger blizzards.  Yum!

On Sunday, my whole family participated in the Save a Life walk in Balboa Park.  It was a beautiful day and we even took the puppies! I am not sure why I only have pictures of them, but that's the way it goes I guess.

They still had so much energy, even after the two mile walk.

They did finally pass out on the way home.  So cute!

I hope you enjoyed your three day weekend! 

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