
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bucket List and Birthday Wish!

Happy Saturday! Is anyone else having one of those Saturdays where you have so much to do, but still find yourself in bed on the internet?! Just me? However, husband and I were very productive on our bucket list this week.

December 4th-  Decorate our tree.  And since we no longer have wood flooring, we were actually able to make it look like adults decorated the tree.  Last year many ornaments lost their lives thanks to one adventurous kitty who liked to climb Christmas tress.

This year...

And this was last year....

December 5th- Buy new Christmas CDs.  They are both amazing by the way!

December 6th- Go to our city's Christmas tree lighting.  Annddd since it was right next to Gspoon and it was two stamp could we say no?!

December 7th- We were supposed to go to the Christmas parade, but were unable to get off the couch thanks to a bad case of Friday Exhaustion (its a real thing I swear).  So picture us falling asleep on our couch to Lifetime Christmas movies because you better believe there is no actual photograph....

Finally, today is my baby brother's 14th birthday!!!! I seriously feel so old! I remember vividly the day my parents told us they were pregnant.  I remember concocting an evil plan with my friends to try and get my mom to go in to labor so we didn't have to do our homework.  I remember him waiting until the absolute last second to make his arrival.  I remember dropping him off at his first day of kindergarten because I was on my way to my first day of college!! Mostly I remember when he used to like me :)  Now I am just not quite as cool.  Cam thanks for being the greatest surprise our family has ever had! I love you! Have an awesome birthday!

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