
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Game Show Addict

I am a total game show/reality tv addict!  I love watching game shows and I have even been on two!  A little over a year ago, the husband and I flew to New York to be on the Newlywed Game.  We totally we were destroyed.  I think we answered one question correctly. Anyways, a few of our friends caught the airing this week and made sure to make fun of us and post pictures.

In 2007, me, my mom, my hubby and friend Krystal (who is ironically the Krystal in the above picture) camped out on the streets of Hollywood (literally I slept next to a trash can/bus stop) to see one of Bob Barker's last shows for the Price is Right.  I actually got called up and won! 

As much as I love game shows, I have never been into the singing American Idol type shows.  Well then my little neighbor tried out for the X-factor so of course I had to watch him.  And then he was kicked off, but the husband and I were hooked.  
I like to think he got his talent from me when I used to babysit him....
So now we will be watching with all of America to see who wins tonight! I can't believe how talented all the contestants have been.  I have to go for my country boy Tate, but I know one day I will buy every album put out by the top five.  Seriously amazing! And Britney Spears is a hot mess who I can't help but love.  Annnndd woohooo for all my report cards being done!

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