
Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday's Letters


Dear husband, 
Thank you for being awesome.  Like seriously awesome.  Thank you for not complaining that you have no clean underwear and we don't have an ounce of food in the house.  Thank you for helping clean our disaster area of a house.  Seriously, who knew you could clean that good?! I will have to remember that :)  And most of all, thank you thank you thank you for cleaning up after Chesney even though it was at 3 in the morning and you almost barfed.  I am one lucky girl :)

Dear Christmas vacation,
Are you really almost over?! I am sorry that I took you for granted most days and did absolutely nothing.  Thank you for not judging me for spending most of your days in my pajamas eating takeout.  I look forward to your return next year.

Dear puppy,
I am sorry that you have a tummy ache.  I think daddy should have never bought you that candy cane bone.  Please get better soon before our house permanently smells.  Also, I really want to take you back to the park so we can keep practicing catching that frisbee.  You are so close!

Dear weather,
Please don't stop being awesome.  Yesterday I walked to the park in a tank top and it was the best feeling ever.  Keep doing that ok?

Dear San Diego,
You will always be my favorite place in the world.  My family and I had the best time hiking and staring at your beautiful ocean.  Thank you for also housing my favorite restaurant in the world.  


  1. Awe, love the love note to your hubby! So sweet! Cute pictures of you both :)

    xo, Jenna

    1. Thank you!!! I am your newest follower :) congratulations on the house!
