
Saturday, August 3, 2013


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Best Moment: Spending the week with my family on vacation.  Watching my belly move all over while laying out was very entertaining :)

Baby News: Still just growing away in there! For the next few weeks you will just be packing on the pounds and getting ready to make your debut! 

Symptoms: I feel like God is preparing us majorly for a newborn... We both could NOT sleep on the pull out couch in our hotel villa this week.  Planning outings is also very tricky since I have to eat/poke my finger every couple of hours.  Annndd I have got the crying part covered.  I literally cry once a day at least.  God bless my family for putting up with me :)

Weight: Pretty positive that I haven't gained any weight this week thanks to my super fun diet plan!

Movement: Definitely!  She really liked Palm Springs...or maybe she really didn't like it.  All I know is that she was rockin and rollin all week.

Sleep: Pretty much awful.  We were on the pull-out couch, like I said, and it was brutal.  We have been home for a day or two and my sleeping has been pretty darn wonderful back in my own bed.

Cravings/aversions/eating: Still craving everything I can't have :(  After going to the grocery store (which by the way is like taking a recovering alcoholic to a bar...) I could have cried because I wanted a glass of fruit juice and some Golden Spoon so bad. 

Workouts: I now take a walk after breakfast and dinner to help keep my numbers low.  I also did a few laps in the hotel pool instead of an after dinner walk one night.

Clothes: Definitely rocked the bikini on vacation this week.  Considered wearing the maternity one piece my mom bought me, but it isn't quite fitting right yet.  Maybe for our babymoon in two weeks :)

Other News: The nursery is sort of kind of coming together.  It is all painted and the furniture is pretty much put together.  Now for the fun stuff! Which is actually a tad overwhelming! Although we have an extended summer this year, we only have a few short weeks before we go back.  Yikes! This next week we have three doctor's appointments and a Baby Care class.  Cross your fingers everything goes well! 

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