
Friday, August 30, 2013


Best Moment: Hmm... this is a tough one.  We did get to hear her sweet heartbeat again at the doctors.  It was a long week back at work, a little rough, but also fun.  I would say the best moment was everyone getting to see my belly after almost 100 days of summer! It was fun telling everyone her name and getting encouragement from other mommies :)

Baby News: This week baby girl is growing away! She could grow a full inch just this week! Although this week the amniotic fluid level has reached its peak, it apparently is not enough to protect me from her kicks and jabs :)

Symptoms: heartburn. heartburn. heartburn.  I hate you! Back pain and swollen hands and feet (someone needs to remind California we don't do humidity!).  I have also been pretty grouchy....sorry hubby! And my pregnancy brain is getting worse....I think :)

Weight: I was 133 at our appointment this week.  Although I think at least a pound of that was thanks to the humidity/pregnancy induced water retention.

Movement: This girl has the hiccups ALL the time! She also is getting so big I can feel her move at multiple places in my tummy at the same time.  It was very distracting during all of our meetings this week :)

Sleep: Same ol, same ol.  I have been taking a few naps to help with my new back to school schedule.  I also have been having LOTS of weird dreams.

Cravings/aversions/eating: This week was so tough with food.  I had a complete breakdown in Trader Joe's and will not be returning for quite awhile (for multiple reasons clearly).  Being back at work was tough.  There were goodies in the teacher's lounge every day and teachers love to snack all day while planning.  Since our new school is not ready, we are pretty much in one big room so someone near me was always eating something.  Since I can only eat at certain times, I pretty much had to have lunch every day by myself.  That was no fun :(  This week I craved everything in the teacher's lounge and the candy that was being passed around.  I also had a craving for sour straws and mac n' cheese (we are talking blue box, powdered cheese nonsense).  Although I couldn't have most of what I wanted this week, I did have two bites of a cupcake that was at another teacher's work baby shower (p.s. my doctor's appointment was right after, and I was so paranoid they would be able to smell it on me!).

Workouts: No official walks this week.  I blame the back to school exhaustion and this AWFUL humidity.  

Clothes: Since it was just a planning week, we were allowed to wear jeans.  I wore a couple of regular pairs of jeans with my belly band and one pair of maternity jeans.  I wore only maternity t-shirts.  One more week until I have to dress up again! Yikes!

Other News: We (which of course means "the husband") put together the bouncer and swing this week! I am also going shopping with my mom this week to pick up missing registry items and return the things I won't need from last week's shower.  I seriously need to put nesting down for symptoms! I feel like there is so much to do! 
The babies are loving the new accessories!

33 weeks exactly!

Monday, August 26, 2013


Best Moment: Hands down BABY SHOWER! It was the perfect day! My mom and best friends made the day so special.  Since our summer was so long, I spent many hours on pinterest and we had the best activities/games :)  My mom made yummy food and I even had a cupcake!!!! Opening all of the gifts was so fun and so many special people were able to come.  Seeing old friends, many who made a long drive in traffic was so awesome.  My mother-in-law and her sister also had planned to fly in which was incredible.  Annnnnddd my sister-in-law surprised me by driving all the way from Utah! Also, coming in a close second...the hubby and I went to the Brad Paisley concert after the baby shower (which was um, insane).  The hubby was a great encourager and he let me rest in the back seat the whole trip.  

Baby News: This week baby girl is measuring by far the weirdest piece of produce of them all...a bok choy?!! What is that?! Apparently what that means is she is about 4 pounds and 17 inches long.  She is supposedly sleeping the majority of the day, but it sure doesn't feel like that!

Symptoms: Still very uncomfortable and emotional! :(  My back hurts every day and my feet and hands are officially swollen.  My rings officially do not fit....I tried to put them on for the shower, but no luck.  Also, heartburn you are seriously not my friend.  

Weight: No appointments this week, but I think I am still right about 130.  I guess I am supposed to be gaining about a pound a week at this point which seems about right.

Movement: Yes! And it was so fun for more people to feel her at the shower.  My whole family was able to feel her have a crazy case of the hiccups :)

Sleep: Sleep has actually been about the same.  I keep thinking that sleep will get worse, but so far it is staying about the same.  We did have to look past our cheap ways and turn down the air which has helped a lot.  I think I average about two potty breaks a night which isn't too bad.

Cravings/aversions/eating: Just looked forward to my cupcake all week! It helped me get through all my blah meals having that to look forward to :)  I also had my mom make all my favorites for the shower, which was a slight splurge, but luckily my numbers cooperated!

Workouts: Still trying to keep up with a daily walk.

Clothes: I spent a long and exhausting morning going through my entire closet since I will be venturing back in to the working world next week.  I actually found quite a few pairs of jeans that still work with my belly band.  Finding something to wear for the shower did prove to be rather difficult.  I wanted to wear a dress, but all the stores seemed to have Fall stuff out so the selection was very slim. Luckily, I found something at the last minute :)  Now it is time to find something to wear for our maternity pictures!

Other News: Stuff is getting, um, very real! According to my preggo apps, it is time to pack a hospital bag! Plus now that the shower is over, it is time to evaluate what we have and buy what we still need.  I also am in major nesting mode and can't wait to start organizing all of our new stuff :)  Now where is that second trimester energy when you need it?!
sneak peek of the nursery :)

The aftermath!

He thinks it is his new bed

entry way

Diaper raffle

Diaper raffle

Guest Book 
This banner is all thanks to the hubby....thanks to my baby brain I hot glued the entire thing backwards and almost threw it in the trash :)

Late Night Diapers! These turned out so good!

Guess Sadie's birthday!

Headband making station! These turned out adorable!

My other banner





Mom or Dad game!

Present bingo

Daddy's example :) 
Seriously only do these if you want to cry every time you read them...I will seriously treasure these forever! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Best Moment: Our babymoon! It was so relaxing and we loved every minute....We spent our days laying out by the adult oasis pool with a spa/golf day mixed in.  I had a mommy-to-be massage while the hubby played some golf.  It was awesome! I even cheated on my diet twice :)  
on our morning walk around the resort grounds
This was where I lived all week....
Baby News: Apparently her living space has grown to four inches above my belly button! I hope your comfy in there! I know your busy making faces, hiccuping, sucking your thumb and moving around all over the place.  Your brain is growing/developing like crazy and all five of your senses are ready to go, although your smelling ability won't kick in until after you join the outside world.   

Symptoms: So uncomfortable! My back hurts all the time.  An extended amount of time in any position is pretty much unbearable (car rides are no fun!)  I ask the hubby for a massage every night because I am dying.  I have been putting heat and ice on at night.  And I officially have cankles! My feet/ankles have definitely started to swell...noooo! 

Weight: I think I hit 130 this week! 

Movement: This baby girl moves all the time and I love it (besides the jabs in my ribs and the pressure on my bladder).  She also gets the hiccups at least once a day.   

Sleep: I am dying to sleep in, but thanks to my new diet plan I can't.  Such a bummer! I just don't sleep great at night...too many trips to the potty and too much rolling from one side to the other.

Cravings/aversions/eating: More rolled tacos!! And I definitely had Eggs Benedict for breakfast every morning.  I also adjusted my afternoon snack one day at the pool so the hubby and I could split a virgin pina colava....yum! We also had planned to go to Flemings on our trip and since I had plenty of protein I was able to have some bread and mashed potatoes (and 3 or 5 bites of creme brûlée!!)

Workouts: Still taking walks at least once a day to help with my numbers.  I also walked/swam in the pool.

Clothes: Lived in my bikinis this week :) 

Other News: My baby shower is next weekend! I am so, so excited for it, and not just because I am going to splurge on a cupcake :)  I have had so much fun helping plan/control this shower!  I am excited for all the fun activities and to see all the goodies for our sweet girl!  

31 weeks 2 days

We tried out our new baby sling with Dunphy Kitty.  I think he actually started to like it :)

The hubster dug me a whole so I could lay on my tummy!

Beach day with my family.  Exactly two months from d-day!

overseeing the creation of my spot :) 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


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Best Moment: It has been an awesome week! First of all, I am so excited to be at 30 weeks.  I don't know why, it just seems like a big accomplishment :)  We also had three doctor's appointments this week that went great and we took a baby care class. Annnnnd the really best part, we got to see our baby girl twice! 

Baby News: At our appointment she was weighing in at 3lbs. 3 ounces which puts her in the 56th percentile.  Good job baby girl! 

Symptoms: Hello fatigue! My exhaustion is back, like first trimester exhaustion only now I can't get comfortable AT ALL.  Also, still some back and shoulder pain from sleeping on my side.  I swear do people actually sleep like that on purpose?! And my least favorite of all....heartburn.  Feel free to go away at any time! Thanks :) 

Weight: At all three doctor's appointments I weighed something different.  I think I am right around the 127-128 mark which puts my total weight gain at about 22-23lbs.

Movement: Yep :)  My ribs are not a fan and either is my bladder.  I think she thinks they are her toys.  

Sleep: I must be sleeping relatively well since I have been having a TON of dreams.  Still getting up quite a bit to pee.  Sometimes I will wake up randomly and just assume I have to go because I can't think of any other reason why I would be awake.

Cravings/aversions/eating: OMG I got to have rolled tacos this week! Yay!!! For some reason I thought they would be banned on my new diet, but after meeting with my dietician, I realized they are made from corn tortillas! Best news ever seriously.  I also, may have found a loophole in the fro-yo debacle.  I am hoping to give it a test run so stay tuned.

Workouts: Still taking walks at least once a day to help with my numbers.  The hubby and I also cleaned the whole house (nesting anyone?!) which is a total workout.

Clothes: Doctors appointments=yoga pants and t-shirts.  I am starting to freak out about what to wear to work when we go back in two weeks. Yikes!

Other News: The crib is officially together.  The bedding is washed and on.  Yay!  The nursery is really coming together!  My mom and I went shopping with my grandparents this weekend and got a lot done.  We totally scored at our favorite antique store.  We have been eyeing the adorable window treatment and chandelier for months, but were told they weren't for sale.  BUTTTT I think my growing belly pulled at their heart strings because they agreed to sell both! Also my grandpa helped pick out a side table and chair AND my grandma made the most precious blankets for baby girl.  In sad news, my rings had to go bye bye this week :(  Boo for swollen fingers.

Trying out the new baby sling with Dunphy Kitty 
The boys putting the finishing touches on the crib :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013


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Best Moment: Spending the week with my family on vacation.  Watching my belly move all over while laying out was very entertaining :)

Baby News: Still just growing away in there! For the next few weeks you will just be packing on the pounds and getting ready to make your debut! 

Symptoms: I feel like God is preparing us majorly for a newborn... We both could NOT sleep on the pull out couch in our hotel villa this week.  Planning outings is also very tricky since I have to eat/poke my finger every couple of hours.  Annndd I have got the crying part covered.  I literally cry once a day at least.  God bless my family for putting up with me :)

Weight: Pretty positive that I haven't gained any weight this week thanks to my super fun diet plan!

Movement: Definitely!  She really liked Palm Springs...or maybe she really didn't like it.  All I know is that she was rockin and rollin all week.

Sleep: Pretty much awful.  We were on the pull-out couch, like I said, and it was brutal.  We have been home for a day or two and my sleeping has been pretty darn wonderful back in my own bed.

Cravings/aversions/eating: Still craving everything I can't have :(  After going to the grocery store (which by the way is like taking a recovering alcoholic to a bar...) I could have cried because I wanted a glass of fruit juice and some Golden Spoon so bad. 

Workouts: I now take a walk after breakfast and dinner to help keep my numbers low.  I also did a few laps in the hotel pool instead of an after dinner walk one night.

Clothes: Definitely rocked the bikini on vacation this week.  Considered wearing the maternity one piece my mom bought me, but it isn't quite fitting right yet.  Maybe for our babymoon in two weeks :)

Other News: The nursery is sort of kind of coming together.  It is all painted and the furniture is pretty much put together.  Now for the fun stuff! Which is actually a tad overwhelming! Although we have an extended summer this year, we only have a few short weeks before we go back.  Yikes! This next week we have three doctor's appointments and a Baby Care class.  Cross your fingers everything goes well!