
Friday, January 3, 2014

Adios 2013!

2013 was by far the hardest year of my life, but it was also the greatest.  2013 was the year I met my daughter and became a mommy.  Although I am happy to see 2013 go, I am so thankful for all the blessings the year brought.

January: Hiked Torrey Pines to welcome in the New Year.  Had a surprise celebration for my grandpa's 80th birthday.  Husband won a soccer tournament!

February: Spent some time in time in San Diego.  Anddddd found out we were having a baby…..

March: Kept our little secret from most everyone :)  Celebrated my grandma's 80th birthday.

April: Finally shared the wonderful news.  Chesney turned one!

May: Husband threw me a surprise birthday party and we found out Baby Shives is a girl!

June: Traveled to Wisconsin for a wedding.  Spent a lot of time at the doctors :(

July: Took a mini vacay to San Diego and Palm Springs.  Celebrated three years of marriage.  Diagnosed with gestational diabetes…no fun!

August: Took a babymoon to Palm Springs. Went to see Brad Paisley in concert.  Had a beautiful baby shower.  Started back to work….although I had no idea I would only last a week.

September: My water broke on Labor day and we welcomed our sweet baby girl in to the world the very next day seven weeks early.  Spent 17 days at the hospital living in the parking lot. Brought our baby girl home!

October: Celebrated 8 years together.  Went on our first date post baby.  Sadie became an insta-celebrity :)

November: Sadie met her GG.  Celebrated her first Thanksgiving. Learned how to smile!

December: Celebrated Sadie's first Christmas.  Went on her first plane ride.  Went to Harry Potter World.  Fell asleep fifteen minutes before the ball dropped :)

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