
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

0-15 WEEKS

***Dear Baby #2, I'm sorry that you have been a part of this family for 15ish weeks and we are just getting around to documenting your sweet presence.  We think about you and talk about you every day, but it is much harder to make it internet official with your busy little sister and morning sickness *ahem....We promise to always try our best to make you feel as special as you are!***

Best Moment: We had a great doctor's appointment this week.  The hubby took the day off and we got to hear your little heartbeat and then we went on a date to the movies! Score! And of course there was this adorableness....

Baby News: We are officially in the second trimester! You can now make funny faces, go potty and even suck your thumb (although try not to get in the habit of that, braces are expensive!).  You are about the size of a lemon and your dad says your hand is about the size of a fingernail.  So sweet! (Is it bad that I am copying and pasting this....sorry second child!)

Symptoms: oh this baby has been so naughty! I have been so sick since pretty much the moment I peed on a 9 weeks and counting...

Weight: I started this pregnancy with a few extra pounds I was carrying around from nursing, but I would say I have added about 2-3 pounds.

Movement: I swear I have felt a few things here and there, which I guess is possible, but it still feels weird this early!

Sleep: Baby #2 doesn't get all the blame on this #1 thinks our bed is the coolest so between her tossing and turning, nausea, and potty breaks I am pretty much not sleeping...

Cravings/aversions/eating: Pretty much the only thing that sounds good is ice cold water.  I have always loved my water, but it is now imperative the water is ICE cold.  High maintenance much?! As far as aversions....mainly food, all of it.  Specifically, cookie butter ice cream which I discovered days before my pee test and loved, but now makes me want to vomit.  Ice cream. What is wrong with this child!

Workouts: Just you know chasing a one year old around.  

Clothes: My body is clearly very proud of itself that it remembers exactly what to do.  My belly is already huge! I've still been wearing all my regular clothes, but I have busted out my belly bands.  I've also had to retire a few shirts that clearly shrunk :)

Other News: Sadie started full on walking this week.  So cute and so exciting! And we are literally on pins and needles waiting to see if you are a boy or a girl!!! 

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