
Thursday, December 24, 2015

100 Pieces of Advice for My Darling Daughter

Throwback Thursday to Sadie's first birthday gift from me! I made her a book of the following life lessons and put lots of pictures of us from her first year of life. 

To my Sweet Sadie,

Happy First Birthday! Over the past year I have learned so much as your mom. You have taught me about myself, about your daddy and about life. Life is all about learning and this book is only a small part of what we want to teach you. I know there will be times that you maybe won't want to take all of my advice, but hopefully you will be able to use this book every once in awhile. A few side notes I would like to mention: 1. Your daddy and I do not claim to follow all of these pieces of advice, but we promise to always try our best to set a good example for you. 2. Most of this advice is not my original thought. It is a compilation of some of my favorite bible verses, songs and advice that I have heard over the years. 3. We seriously love you to pieces.

I love you,
Your Mommy

1. Always lick the bowl.  
2. Start each and every single day with Jesus.  And if you forget, remember it is never too late to give Him control over your day.
3.  Pets are some of God's sweetest gifts.  Love them like family.
4. Fall in love with reading.
5. The library is one of the best free adventures out there.  Explore it often.  And always return your books on time :)
6. Remember the cure for almost anything is salt.  Whether it comes from tears, sweat or the ocean depends on the circumstances. Choose accordingly.
7. You don't get to pick your family, but they are the only family you will ever have so love them unconditionally.
8. Never trust anyone who doesn't like country music or dogs.  Just kidding.  Sort of.
9.  It is true that laughter is the very best medicine.
10. Never, ever skip breakfast.
11. Run through the sprinklers.
12. If a day ever goes by that you didn't dance or laugh, get out of bed and dance until you laugh.
13. The car is for listening to music really loud.  Sing along even when other cars are watching.
14.  Make a budget every single month and try your best to stick with it.
15.  Always have a savings account and put something in it every month.
16.  Every single thing in your life is a loan from God.  Act accordingly.
17.  You will never know what someone else is going through.  Give people lots of grace.
18. Change is hard, but necessary.
19. Go to concerts whenever you can.  And sing really loud.
20. Cherish traditions passed down to you.  Have fun coming up with some of your own too!
21. Whenever you are overwhelmed by your messy room, or one day your own house, always start by making your bed.
22.  Learn to drive a stick shift.  It's an important life skill and lots of fun.  Just avoid hills :)
23. Good manners go a really long way.
24.  When in doubt, say 'please' and 'thank you'.
25.  Learn how to apologize. Practice often.
26.  Be a good sport whether you win or you lose.
27. Drink water.
28. Give at least one compliment every single day.
29.  Time well wasted is actually no waste at all.
30.  If you get the chance to travel, take it.
31.  If you get the chance to dance, take it. 
32.  Take lots of pictures.
33.  Life is full of peaks and valleys.  Each valley will help you appreciate the peaks.
34.  Keep a gratitude journal.
35.  Volunteer.
36. Your daddy once told me if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with some rain.  It's true :)
37. Exercise to be healthy and to have fun.
38.  Love and respect this country that we live in.
39. Make every holiday special.
40.  Celebrate little things.
41.  Being a grown up is really hard.  Some people may make it look easy, but it is hard for everyone.  I promise.
42.  You will have your heart broken, but I promise life will go on.
43.  You will break a heart or two.  Be gentle.
44.  To have good friends, you must first be a good friend.
45.  Life isn't fair.  The sooner you come to terms with that, the easier life will be. 
46.  If you don't have anything nice to say you should probably keep your mouth closed.
47.  Celebrate people's differences.  If we were all the same, the world would be really boring.  
48.  Always send Thank-You Cards.
49.  Never change yourself for someone else.
50.  When you need help, ask.
51.  Everyone has a story to tell.  Take the time to listen.
52.  Being a good listener is a great life skill.  Practice often. 
53.  Wash your hands.
54.  Sometimes the answer will be no and you will never know the reason why.  Move on anyways.
55.  It's never too early to put on your pajamas.
56. Life's a dance, you really do just learn as you go.
57.  It is always better to give, than receive.
58. You will never know if you never try.
59. Remember that the popular choice is not always the right choice.  
60. Be a leader.
61. Worry and anger are two of the biggest time wasters.  
62.  Target is a blackhole.  Try your best to get in and get out.
63.  It's always ok to cry.
64.  You can never be overdressed. 
65.  Never text and drive.
66.  Learn something new every day.
67.  Don't use credit cards.
68.  Make sleep a priority.  You really can't function without it.
69.  College is non-negotiable.  You will thank us later, I promise.
70.  Life is more fun as a sports fan. 
71.  You are never allowed to move out of California. Kidding....Kind of.
72.  Be a tourist as often as time and money will allow.
73.  Spend time with your elders and listen to what they have to say.
74.  You aren't expected to be perfect, but you are expected to try your best.
75.  A genuine smile is the best accessory.
76.  It's ok to be wrong.
77.  The only purpose of dating is to find your future husband.  Don't waste your time with unworthy candidates.
78.  Always trust your instincts.
79.  To find a good catch, you must first be a good catch.
80.  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
81.  Big decisions should only be made with dirty knees.
82.  Your teacher will always be right.
83.  Spend time outside every day.
84.  Remember that tomorrow is always a new day.
85.  Find out what you love to do and do it really well.
86.  Marriage is hard and it takes work.  Don't let anyone tell you different.
87.  Take good care of your teeth.  They are really expensive and painful to fix.
88.  No one on this Earth knows everything.  Including you.
89.  Take personal days every once in awhile.
90. You need to have a legitimate reason to be a fan of a sports team. For the record, a team being really good is not considered a legitimate reason.
91. The greatest gifts come in the smallest packages.
92. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
93.  Life is short.  
94.  Remember that life should be fun.  Have dessert before dinner and stay up late.
95.  You WILL make mistakes.  Learn from them, apologize if necessary and then move on.
96.  The world doesn't revolve around you.  Act accordingly.
97.  Follow the Golden Rule.
98.  Be nice.  Always.  No exceptions.  Period.
99.  The world can be yours, if you let your heart believe in ever after.

100. Never forget that you are a miracle, a precious gift from God and the sweetest part of our life.

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