
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Best Moment: Getting to see you this week! We had our nuchal translucency test this week.  The bummer was we had to drive almost an hour and we were late and maybe one of us was a little hormonal.....but none of that mattered when we finally got to see you! You were so cute squirming around, we probably could have watched you all day, but since we were late we got shooed out fairly quickly.  We did get a lot of cute pictures though that we may look at multiple times a day!

Baby News: We are officially in the second trimester! You can now make funny faces, go potty and even suck your thumb (although try not to get in the habit of that, braces are expensive!).  You are about the size of a lemon and your dad says your hand is about the size of a fingernail.  So sweet!

Symptoms: So exhausted stillll...wondering if I will ever get my energy and appetite back.  Also a few occasional headaches which are no fun.

Weight: My scale is off from the doctors so it is hard to tell and they didn't weigh me at this week's appointment. I am guessing I have gained about two pounds so far.

Movement: We definitely saw it, but I can't wait to feel it!

Sleep: Still able to sleep on my tummy which is nice. I fall asleep so early, but don't ever quite make it through the night due mainly to potty breaks.

Cravings/aversions/eating: Mexican food is still the only thing that sounds good consistently and cheese. Plus I am almost always in the mood for anything sweet. Most meat is still out of the question.  Smoothies sounded really good this week too.

Workouts: Just occasional walks with the puppy and getting up to go to the bathroom a hundred times a day.  

Clothes: We went shopping this weekend for a few maternity items.  I kind of feel silly wearing some now since I still fit in almost all my regular clothes (although not always comfortably).  Our school has a super strict dress code, so it makes mornings very stressful.

Other News: We had to put our family kitty down this weekend.  It was one of the worst things I have ever experienced and I hope the baby didn't feel too much of my sadness.  However, non-stop crying is not exactly good for pictures, so please excuse my face from this week's bump picture.  Annnd for the record....I am so off in my weekly updates.  I was officially 14 weeks last Friday.  Maybe over the summer I will actually catch up :)


  1. Love the pic of the hubby lol

    1. haha thanks! I guess he was feeling left out....the dog and cat were in the bottom of the pictures too! I guess everyone needs some love :)
