
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Best Moment: We didn't get to see you this week, but we did get to hear your precious heartbeat at our appointment.  That never gets old!

Baby News: You are the size of an apple and you can now sense light.  Your taste buds are starting to form, hopefully you won't be as picky as your mom :)  This week you are also working on moving those growing legs and developing those air sacs in your lungs.  It is also very clear now whether you are a boy or a make sure you make that real obvious at our next appointment! 

Symptoms: Still pretty tired, but I definitely had more energy this week.  I even made dinner one night! Heartburn was not fun this week though.  Hubby thinks my mexican food obsession is finally catching up with me :)

Weight: I have gained 3 lbs. since my first appointment at 8 weeks.

Movement: Soon I hope!

Sleep: Definitely noticed that my stomach sleeping has turned into half-side/half-stomach now.  I think I am days away from some serious changing to my sleep position. Darn.

Cravings/aversions/eating: I am so ready for food to start sounding good.  I literally dread lunch and dinner time because I can't ever decide what to eat.  Although, I have been craving artichokes and I finally had them this week....four of them actually :)

Workouts: Just occasional walks with the puppy and getting up to go to the bathroom a hundred times a day.  

Clothes: Still wearing regular clothes, but I did try out my new belly belt thing.  It felt so nice to not have to button my work pants!

Other News: Next week is my birthday and I will officially be 16 weeks.  We made an ultrasound appointment and are crossing our fingers baby cooperates so we can find out the gender! That would be an awesome present :)

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