
Friday, May 10, 2013

The Ugly Truth of TTC

I originally wrote this post in January after over six months of trying to get pregnant.  I did not have the  heart to post it then, but I love to look back on it now, since January ended up being the very month we got pregnant.  God is so faithful and He really does have a better plan than we could ever imagine!

What is TTC you say??? Well if you don't know, then you aren't trying to have a baby.  Because if you are, you know about a hundred acronyms that you never in your life thought you would know.  That is just one of the many lessons I have learned on this journey of trying to grow our family.  Here are a few other things:

Lesson #1.  It is so much harder then it looks.  Well for some people anyways.  The husband and I started seriously talking about this subject about a year ago and after much consulting from teacher friends, decided June would be the month.  Isn't that hilarious?! We actually thought we could pick the month.  And then when June was clearly a no-go we started actually doing some research.  That was when we got a small dose of reality, you only have a 25% chance of getting pregnant each month, say what?!

Lesson #2.  If you thought you hated your period before, you will literally despise it now.  It is like THE worst consolation prize ever.  It's like "Hey! Just so you know you didn't get pregnant annnddd I will remind you every day for the next week in case you forget!"

Lesson #3.  You will feel like everyone around you is pregnant.  Like everyone.  Maybe it's because you become more aware or maybe it's because you are losing your mind, who knows? You will even start to imagine that people around you are pregnant.  Your friend has the flu??? Sure she does.  You will have varying feelings when you see/hear of pregnant women.  You will be sad, sometimes happy, and occasionally freakishly jealous.

Lesson #4.  Speaking of going crazy....You will start to imagine things/become obsessed with your body and its functions.  Slight cramp? Could that be an early sign? Better check google! Headache, heartburn, sensitive gums, better believe some other crazy on the internet has posted about it.  You try and try to just go with the flow, but every twinge has your mind whirling.

Lesson #5.  People will give you the worst advice ever.  They will tell you to "relax", "it will happen when it's supposed to happen" etc....... 99% of those people usually already have babies which makes the advice even more annoying.

Lesson #6.  *Preface-This is the hardest lesson I learned and the one I had to re-learn more times than I care to admit* You will eventually realize that God is in control.  He is by your side, along with the wonderful husband He blessed you with, every step of the way.  Every prayer you sent up, every tear you cried, He was right there with you.  He has a greater plan than you could ever imagine.

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