
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


17 weeks and 5 days....I am so off on these updates!

Best Moment: We didn't get to see you this week, but we did get to share with everyone you are a girl! It was really fun, so don't go and change that up on us :)
It is hard to see, but this was a tally of my students' predictions....I clearly have more boys in my class this year :)
Baby News: You are the size of a turnip and your bones are starting to harden.  Your sweat glands are starting to form and you can move your joints.  Sounds like you are on your way to becoming a real athlete! Now make sure you aren't super competitive like your parents and don't break too many of those bones like your uncles :)

Symptoms: Last week it was hot which made me tired and now this week was rainy which made me sleepy :)  I also had major baby brain this week.  On Monday morning I got ready for school, or so I thought...until one of my sweet students came up to me and said I still looked pretty even without makeup on! Apparently I had gone to work without anyyyy makeup on. Oops!

Weight: Still no clue...I would guess maybe 3-5lbs. so far.

Movement: Maybe, kind of, sort of, might have felt something this week....stay tuned!

Sleep: Sleeping has turned into half-side/half-stomach now. 

Cravings/aversions/eating: Food is slowly but surely starting to sound good.  Unfortunately, nothing that I used to cook sounds good.  I have no idea why baby girl likes to eat out so much.  Doesn't she know it is full of junk?!

Workouts: Just occasional walks with the puppy and getting up to go to the bathroom a hundred times a day.  

Clothes: Living in dresses for the next few weeks until summer vacation!

Other News: Celebrating my first mother-to-be day was so cool.  I even got a few cards! Baby girl loved the eggs benedict we had for brunch and sushi we had for dinner.  Of course I had to make quite a few adjustments to those menu items to make sure they were safe for you! 

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