
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Please don't mind my farmer's tan! It was Field Day at school :)

Best Moment: Feeling you move! At first I wasn't sure because everyone kept describing it as a flutter.  It definitely hasn't felt like a flutter, but it is definitely  you!

Baby News: You are the size of a bell pepper and you are busy flexing your arms and legs.....I guess so! Your ears are in their proper place and your internal girl parts are formed, so crazy! 

Symptoms: Still tired and major gag reflex (thank you hubby for pulling the hair out of the shower drain while I was brushing my teeth and then laughing at me for dry heaving!).

Weight: 5 pounds according to the doctor scale (my midwife was very curious how I had gained five pounds when I told her food never sounded good...did I mention dessert still sounds good?!)

Movement: I am pretty positive that I felt a ton of movement this week.  It ranged from small movements to me swearing that I felt a full on kick.  Also, when I was laying down, part of my belly got really hard and it felt like you were right there! 

Sleep: Finally tried the pillow between the leg trick and it was awesome! 

Cravings/aversions/eating: Still making improvements in the food department, but no real meal planning is taking place.  Maybe summer vacation will help me get back on track.

Workouts: Really bad with walks this week, it was insanely hot.  I am not ready for summer!  

Clothes: Lots of dresses still, one more week til summer!

Other News: My sweet mother-in-law sent me the cutest card and maternity clothes.  People really make you feel so special when your pregnant.  

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