
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Best Moment: Still probably feeling you move! I have been trying to get your daddy to feel it, but you are very inconsistent :)

Baby News: You are starting to grow hair! Although, your mom and dad don't have a whole lot going on in that department, so I doubt you will come out with any!  Your brain is working hard to use all of your senses.  In fact, you may be able to hear me this week.  Just know, if you hear a beautiful singing probably isn't me :)  

Symptoms: Still tired and super emotional this week.  I don't know if it is hormones or school ending, but lots of tears this week.

Weight: I'm guessing still about 5 pounds....

Movement: Definitely! Mostly when I am lying down, but occasionally when I am sitting or driving too.  I can't wait until everyone else can feel you kick too!

Sleep: Still using the pillow between the leg trick and loving it! 

Cravings/aversions/eating: Oh mexican food, I just can't ever get enough of you.  Also, had some more pretend sushi this week, yum :)

Workouts: Really bad with walks this week again, but I have been packing up my entire classroom!

Clothes: Lots of dresses, summer is just days away!  I also purchased some new undergarments....finally! When the lady measured me at VS I had gone up more than a size! No wonder I have been so uncomfortable :)

Other News: We got some pretty bad news at work this week.  Our new school won't be ready in time for the new school year so they are extending our summer by an entire month.  It sounds cool in theory, I know, but it is pretty much worst case scenario for us.  First of all, the husband and I already get stir crazy towards the end of summer so I am a little worried imagining a whole extra month after that.  Plus I know I will be hot and huge and not wanting to spend any money so my summer options are pretty limited.  Second of all, a long summer means a jam packed year and a short summer next year just when our sweet baby will be here and we will want to spend all our time with her.  Anyways, I have been a bit bummed out to say the least, but I am sure trying to remember that He is in control and everything is going to work out!

1 comment:

  1. I have such a hard time getting Ryan to feel her too! He has felt her once, but she always stops kicking right when I get Ryan's attention! You look so cute and I love your bump!
