
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Laughter is the BEST Medicine

We have had a rough week over here.  Lots of fears and tears and doctor's appointments.  I will go in to more detail on my weekly baby update tomorrow, but I felt like I could use the First Year Link-Up this week since it is all about laughing!

One of my favorite things in the world is laughing with my husband.  He cracks me up all the time and he can even put a smile on my face when tears are rolling down my cheeks.  Our first year of marriage had quite a few memorable are a few of my favorite:

-On our actual wedding day we completely forgot to sign the marriage license.  Our pastor had already left and we were in full party mode when we remembered.  In the heat of the moment, the hubby accidentally signed in the wrong spot (apparently we didn't even need to sign anywhere because we had already done that....).  Anyways, he was so worried about it our whole honeymoon and I kept blowing him off, telling him it was no big deal and it probably happens all the time.  Well when we returned from the honeymoon, we found out it is a big deal and it doesn't happen all the time....We had to drive about an hour to meet with the one clerk who could handle it.  After a new license was issued (more money was paid!), it really was no big deal, but I do love that story.  Especially because everyone tells you that all that matters on your wedding day is you get married, and that is the ONE thing we had issues with :)

-For the first few months of our marriage, every time I used the oven the smoke detector would go off.  It was sooooo frustrating! I remember sitting on our front porch crying because our chicken still had another hour to cook and the smoke detector just kept beeping.  We were all fired up saying we weren't going to pay rent until it was fixed and we called and called the maintenance department.  They finally came the next day (when we weren't home thank goodness!).  They left a note lecturing us on storing pots and pans in the broiler under our oven.  We had thought it was a drawer and had a bunch of brand new pans in it.  They were pretty much ruined and so was our pride :)

-We are both very competitive and even had the chance to be on the Newlywed Game our first year of marriage.  We thought we would do so well and we practiced for weeks! Well I think we we practiced a little too much because we didn't win....we actually only got ONE question right on the whole episode!

-And of course this little video from our first anniversary.....

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