
Friday, June 7, 2013

20/21 WEEKS

As of today, I am officially 21 weeks pregnant.  My posts have been so off because of school and this week has been um, not my favorite, so I thought it was a good time to combine.
20 weeks and 6 days
Best Moment: Well baby girl it has been a rough week, but we are trying so hard to focus on the good.  Your daddy finally got to feel you move (so did your grandma!) and we got to watch you for probably a combined 2+ hours in ultrasounds this week.  You were a total stinker at some parts, only showing your bottom and covering your head with your hands, but we loved every second.

Baby News: You are weighing in at about 12 ounces according to the doc and your bone marrow is developing enough to contribute to blood cell formation.  Your digestive system is able to absorb water and small amounts of sugar (or large thanks to your mom!).  You are also growing eyebrows, fingernails and eyelashes.  

Symptoms: I'm not really sure I can blame my emotions all on pregnancy hormones this week, but let's just say I am thankful the husband hasn't had me committed yet. 

Weight: Still only five pounds.  Actually at the doctor's on Tuesday, I was even down a few ounces, but I was so nervous/stressed/anxious I wasn't really eating.  I am working hard to get that number up, but my mom only gained 19 lbs total with me so it isn't exactly in the genes....

Movement: Thank goodness for your movements.  They make me feel so much better! You were so wiggly at our 20 week ultrasound that it took an hour to get all the shots.  Your daddy also felt you kick for the first time! And since it was less than five seconds before Trumbo's homerun, he is now certain you are an Angel's fan :) 

Sleep: Still using the pillow between the leg trick, but looking for other options.

Cravings/aversions/eating: Still lots of mexican food and frozen yogurt.  I also made a lot of smoothies this week.

Workouts: Trying to stick to daily walks with the puppy and I have been looking everywhere for a pregnancy yoga dvd.

Clothes: Oh summer! Pretty much just comfy pjs and dresses when I have to :)

Other News: Like I have said before, this was a rough week.  Last Friday we had our 20 week ultrasound.  Like all my other prenatal screenings, they told us no news was good news.  This time though, we got news.  On Monday, they called and said the umbilical cord was showing only two vessels instead of three.  At the end of the day, that is really no big deal.  There is still a way for nutrients to get in and waste to get out.  The problem is that since the umbilical cord develops at the same time as um the heart! and kidneys, there is a higher chance for birth defects in two vessel cord pregnancies.  So they wanted to bring us back in on Tuesday to meet with a genetics counselor and see a specialist.  The next 24 hours were the worst, like ever.  The nurse who called was so sweet and she kept telling me not to panic since everything else had come back completely normal, but panic we did.  Tuesday we drove back to the hospital and met with the genetics counselor.  He was reassuring at moments and scaring us stiff at others.  We decided to decline the amnio unless we saw other "markers" on the ultrasound with the specialist.  I was such a wreck, they had to take my blood pressure three different times! We had another full ultrasound and a fetal echo of the heart.  Praise Jesus everything was developing normal, there were no other markers and she is growing right on track.  The doctor was awesome and very optimistic.  We will be seeing her every four weeks to check up on our baby girl along with our regular appointments.  We are just continuing to pray for healthy development of the heart and kindeys and growth that stays on track.  We are so thankful for an awesome support system that got us through this last week! 

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