
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Best Moment: Still probably feeling you move! I have been trying to get your daddy to feel it, but you are very inconsistent :)

Baby News: You are starting to grow hair! Although, your mom and dad don't have a whole lot going on in that department, so I doubt you will come out with any!  Your brain is working hard to use all of your senses.  In fact, you may be able to hear me this week.  Just know, if you hear a beautiful singing probably isn't me :)  

Symptoms: Still tired and super emotional this week.  I don't know if it is hormones or school ending, but lots of tears this week.

Weight: I'm guessing still about 5 pounds....

Movement: Definitely! Mostly when I am lying down, but occasionally when I am sitting or driving too.  I can't wait until everyone else can feel you kick too!

Sleep: Still using the pillow between the leg trick and loving it! 

Cravings/aversions/eating: Oh mexican food, I just can't ever get enough of you.  Also, had some more pretend sushi this week, yum :)

Workouts: Really bad with walks this week again, but I have been packing up my entire classroom!

Clothes: Lots of dresses, summer is just days away!  I also purchased some new undergarments....finally! When the lady measured me at VS I had gone up more than a size! No wonder I have been so uncomfortable :)

Other News: We got some pretty bad news at work this week.  Our new school won't be ready in time for the new school year so they are extending our summer by an entire month.  It sounds cool in theory, I know, but it is pretty much worst case scenario for us.  First of all, the husband and I already get stir crazy towards the end of summer so I am a little worried imagining a whole extra month after that.  Plus I know I will be hot and huge and not wanting to spend any money so my summer options are pretty limited.  Second of all, a long summer means a jam packed year and a short summer next year just when our sweet baby will be here and we will want to spend all our time with her.  Anyways, I have been a bit bummed out to say the least, but I am sure trying to remember that He is in control and everything is going to work out!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Please don't mind my farmer's tan! It was Field Day at school :)

Best Moment: Feeling you move! At first I wasn't sure because everyone kept describing it as a flutter.  It definitely hasn't felt like a flutter, but it is definitely  you!

Baby News: You are the size of a bell pepper and you are busy flexing your arms and legs.....I guess so! Your ears are in their proper place and your internal girl parts are formed, so crazy! 

Symptoms: Still tired and major gag reflex (thank you hubby for pulling the hair out of the shower drain while I was brushing my teeth and then laughing at me for dry heaving!).

Weight: 5 pounds according to the doctor scale (my midwife was very curious how I had gained five pounds when I told her food never sounded good...did I mention dessert still sounds good?!)

Movement: I am pretty positive that I felt a ton of movement this week.  It ranged from small movements to me swearing that I felt a full on kick.  Also, when I was laying down, part of my belly got really hard and it felt like you were right there! 

Sleep: Finally tried the pillow between the leg trick and it was awesome! 

Cravings/aversions/eating: Still making improvements in the food department, but no real meal planning is taking place.  Maybe summer vacation will help me get back on track.

Workouts: Really bad with walks this week, it was insanely hot.  I am not ready for summer!  

Clothes: Lots of dresses still, one more week til summer!

Other News: My sweet mother-in-law sent me the cutest card and maternity clothes.  People really make you feel so special when your pregnant.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


17 weeks and 5 days....I am so off on these updates!

Best Moment: We didn't get to see you this week, but we did get to share with everyone you are a girl! It was really fun, so don't go and change that up on us :)
It is hard to see, but this was a tally of my students' predictions....I clearly have more boys in my class this year :)
Baby News: You are the size of a turnip and your bones are starting to harden.  Your sweat glands are starting to form and you can move your joints.  Sounds like you are on your way to becoming a real athlete! Now make sure you aren't super competitive like your parents and don't break too many of those bones like your uncles :)

Symptoms: Last week it was hot which made me tired and now this week was rainy which made me sleepy :)  I also had major baby brain this week.  On Monday morning I got ready for school, or so I thought...until one of my sweet students came up to me and said I still looked pretty even without makeup on! Apparently I had gone to work without anyyyy makeup on. Oops!

Weight: Still no clue...I would guess maybe 3-5lbs. so far.

Movement: Maybe, kind of, sort of, might have felt something this week....stay tuned!

Sleep: Sleeping has turned into half-side/half-stomach now. 

Cravings/aversions/eating: Food is slowly but surely starting to sound good.  Unfortunately, nothing that I used to cook sounds good.  I have no idea why baby girl likes to eat out so much.  Doesn't she know it is full of junk?!

Workouts: Just occasional walks with the puppy and getting up to go to the bathroom a hundred times a day.  

Clothes: Living in dresses for the next few weeks until summer vacation!

Other News: Celebrating my first mother-to-be day was so cool.  I even got a few cards! Baby girl loved the eggs benedict we had for brunch and sushi we had for dinner.  Of course I had to make quite a few adjustments to those menu items to make sure they were safe for you! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Ugly Truth of TTC

I originally wrote this post in January after over six months of trying to get pregnant.  I did not have the  heart to post it then, but I love to look back on it now, since January ended up being the very month we got pregnant.  God is so faithful and He really does have a better plan than we could ever imagine!

What is TTC you say??? Well if you don't know, then you aren't trying to have a baby.  Because if you are, you know about a hundred acronyms that you never in your life thought you would know.  That is just one of the many lessons I have learned on this journey of trying to grow our family.  Here are a few other things:

Lesson #1.  It is so much harder then it looks.  Well for some people anyways.  The husband and I started seriously talking about this subject about a year ago and after much consulting from teacher friends, decided June would be the month.  Isn't that hilarious?! We actually thought we could pick the month.  And then when June was clearly a no-go we started actually doing some research.  That was when we got a small dose of reality, you only have a 25% chance of getting pregnant each month, say what?!

Lesson #2.  If you thought you hated your period before, you will literally despise it now.  It is like THE worst consolation prize ever.  It's like "Hey! Just so you know you didn't get pregnant annnddd I will remind you every day for the next week in case you forget!"

Lesson #3.  You will feel like everyone around you is pregnant.  Like everyone.  Maybe it's because you become more aware or maybe it's because you are losing your mind, who knows? You will even start to imagine that people around you are pregnant.  Your friend has the flu??? Sure she does.  You will have varying feelings when you see/hear of pregnant women.  You will be sad, sometimes happy, and occasionally freakishly jealous.

Lesson #4.  Speaking of going crazy....You will start to imagine things/become obsessed with your body and its functions.  Slight cramp? Could that be an early sign? Better check google! Headache, heartburn, sensitive gums, better believe some other crazy on the internet has posted about it.  You try and try to just go with the flow, but every twinge has your mind whirling.

Lesson #5.  People will give you the worst advice ever.  They will tell you to "relax", "it will happen when it's supposed to happen" etc....... 99% of those people usually already have babies which makes the advice even more annoying.

Lesson #6.  *Preface-This is the hardest lesson I learned and the one I had to re-learn more times than I care to admit* You will eventually realize that God is in control.  He is by your side, along with the wonderful husband He blessed you with, every step of the way.  Every prayer you sent up, every tear you cried, He was right there with you.  He has a greater plan than you could ever imagine.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Best Moment: Not only did we get to see you this week, but we also found out you are a girl!!!!!! I knew it :)  For my birthday, we went to this ultrasound place that I love.  They put the picture up on a big screen and it is incredible! You were very cooperative and according to the tech, you are for sure a girl! Hopefully that doesn't change, even though your dad probably wouldn't mind :)

Baby News: You are the size of an avocado and you are preparing for a huge growth spurt! You have started to grow toenails, yay for mother-daughter pedicures!!!

Symptoms: This week we had a mini heat wave and it made me so tired! It didn't help that we had a light burst in our classroom so I had to take my class outside for a few hours.  I also still have a major gag reflex that I thought would have gone away by now...weird smells, is not pretty.

Weight: Not school my students had PE testing and according to that scale, I had gained 5 pounds.  Then I weighed myself at home and I hadn't gained any...s0 who knows!

Movement: She was moving a little in our ultrasound, but still no feeling for mom, darn.

Sleep: My sleeping has officially turned into half-side/half-stomach now.  

Cravings/aversions/eating: I am still so ready for food to start sounding good.  I literally dread lunch and dinner time because I can't ever decide what to eat.  

Workouts: Almost daily walks with the puppy and getting up to go to the bathroom a hundred times a day.  

Clothes: I almost called in sick this week because I couldn't find anything to wear! So I cried and then drug the hubby to Target to purchase some new dresses. 

Other News: After finding out about our baby girl we went back to Target and got a few cute I could resist! I thought we were going to dinner for my birthday and I was going to surprise my family, but thennnnnnnn when I got to my parents hubby and family had thrown me a surprise birthday party!!! I have never, ever been surprised before.  I almost always know when something is going to happen and what my present is going to be so I was COMPLETELY shocked! I don't know how I didn't see it coming, I blame it on my baby brain :)

Some of my BFFS that surprised me!
Future DG and Angel fan of course :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

It's a.........

Make sure your sound is up! And if you aren't related to the little peanut, feel free to stop watching after the third slide :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Best Moment: We didn't get to see you this week, but we did get to hear your precious heartbeat at our appointment.  That never gets old!

Baby News: You are the size of an apple and you can now sense light.  Your taste buds are starting to form, hopefully you won't be as picky as your mom :)  This week you are also working on moving those growing legs and developing those air sacs in your lungs.  It is also very clear now whether you are a boy or a make sure you make that real obvious at our next appointment! 

Symptoms: Still pretty tired, but I definitely had more energy this week.  I even made dinner one night! Heartburn was not fun this week though.  Hubby thinks my mexican food obsession is finally catching up with me :)

Weight: I have gained 3 lbs. since my first appointment at 8 weeks.

Movement: Soon I hope!

Sleep: Definitely noticed that my stomach sleeping has turned into half-side/half-stomach now.  I think I am days away from some serious changing to my sleep position. Darn.

Cravings/aversions/eating: I am so ready for food to start sounding good.  I literally dread lunch and dinner time because I can't ever decide what to eat.  Although, I have been craving artichokes and I finally had them this week....four of them actually :)

Workouts: Just occasional walks with the puppy and getting up to go to the bathroom a hundred times a day.  

Clothes: Still wearing regular clothes, but I did try out my new belly belt thing.  It felt so nice to not have to button my work pants!

Other News: Next week is my birthday and I will officially be 16 weeks.  We made an ultrasound appointment and are crossing our fingers baby cooperates so we can find out the gender! That would be an awesome present :)