Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Eight Months

Weight: She was exactly 16lbs when I weighed her on our home scale, but she was clothed and had a wet diaper.  No doctor weigh-in until one year!

Height: We tried to measure her this morning, but doing anything that requires her to stay still is impossible.  It said 28 inches, but that could be way off.  She is very long though, especially her skinny little legs!

Nicknames: stinker, stink butt, E-yah (Sadie's name for her), Ella Bella, Sister, Baby, Ellie, sweet girl, pumpkin, peanut, monkey

Eating: Ellasyn still nurses every 2 hours usually.  She has developed a little bit of a schedule that I try to stick to if possible, but it is always subject to change.  She usually eats at around 7am when I am desperate to get her back to sleep :) Then again at around 9am before her morning nap.  Again about 11am and then around 1 or 1:30pm before she goes down for her afternoon nap.  This is her longest stretch IF she takes a solid nap.  I usually feed her when she wakes up between 3-4pm or later *fingers crossed*.  Then at 6pm before her cat nap and again at 8 or 9pm before bed time! Ellasyn is still not really into solids, mostly hates all purees. She LOVES to eat slices of apple, but she has learned to gnaw off pieces with her gums and it freaks me out.  She also really likes frozen blueberries when I put them in her feeder.  And she loved her mini Thanksgiving of some turkey and mashed potatoes.  Overall, she is happy if she can do it herself, but she is still not coordinated enough to self-feed successfully. 

Sleeping: Still sleeping horrible :( I thought maybe she was getting a tooth this past week, but now I am not so sure.  I think she was obsessing over standing up, so hopefully now that she has somewhat mastered it, we can get some sleep again.  She is napping overall pretty well.  She usually takes a 30min-1:30 min nap in the morning around 9-10am.  Then she takes her longest nap in her swing at around 1 or 2pm.  This ranges from an hour and a half to three hours.  Definitely dreading when she grows out of the swing! Then she usually takes a cat nap in the ergo around 6pm so she can make it to her sister's bed time :) 

Diapers: Size 2! Clothing is a range of 3 months, 3-6 months and whatever I can find at the moment :) She wore my size 2 shoes the other night.  I can't believe they are 30 years old and still so cute!

Social: It has been so fun experiencing the holidays with Ellasyn.  She loved Halloween and loved Santa!  She is such a little stinker and always getting into trouble.  She also loves smiling and is so happy and silly.  Ellasyn is always determined to master the next thing and she keeps amazing us with her new abilities.  We definitely weren't ready for such a trouble maker! Ellasyn has also started with the stranger danger.  I have had to go get her twice from the nursery at my mom's group.  Of course right when her sister starts to like it there!

Likes: being held, smiling, crawling, being silly, eating paper, her sister (this really hasn't changed at all over the last couple months). She also loves standing up all the time and has been obsessing over it for the past week or so until she could do it all on her own.  

Dislikes: being changed is the worst form of torture for Ellasyn, she still isn't a huge fan of the car, but overall much better!  She has such a temper too! If she wants someone or something she clenches her fist and shakes! 

Mommy: Trying to get creative entertaining two kiddos while half our stuff is in excited for Christmas!

Daddy: Busy, busy, busy! But oh my do I have two daddy's girls on my hands.  Ellasyn loves taking naps on her daddy. same still! So excited to have him around for two straight weeks!

Furbabies: Over the last couple of months Ellasyn has really taken an interest in the animals....I can't say the feelings are mutual.  Although Chesney does love giving her kisses! same

What we are looking forward to:  Christmas!!! And hopefully ringing in 2016 in our new home!!!!
first timer at Sea World


loves Grandma!

loved her feast!

hanging with Uncle Kyle

first Thanksgiving!

waiting to meet Santa

Christmas party third wheel

hanging with Santa

mommy and Ellasyn wearing the same shoes

decorating the tree

working on her next trick

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