Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Justin did a great job introducing Farand and telling all of you about what makes him so awesome! I just couldn't resist adding a little of my own version of our groomsman, FARAND!

Farand and I met, like Justin said, in a calc class at Chapman. I of course could not remember Farand's name for the life of me (you have to admit he has an unique name!) so me and my friends would call him Soccer Boy. Little did I know, Farand and his buddies gave me my very own nickname (for those of you not familiar with this clan of boys, nicknames are very serious, I'm not sure Farand has ever called me Brittany actually). Farand and I quickly became friends studying together and making fun of our teachers who were seriously easy targets. Once I became a math major drop-out, Farand and I began our lunch date tradition. We had such a blast trying out fun places to eat and catching up on all the drama :) Farand has always been there for me and we have been always had such a blast together. Like Justin said we have been to concerts, sporting events and on road trips together. We are all looking forward to when Farand becomes a big time doctor and he can take us poor teachers on Farand and I's "bucket list" of vacations. Love you Far-Bear!!!

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